Saturday 21 April 2018


Hello my dear friends and beautiful souls!!! It has been a while since we last spoke . Life for my husband and I has taken a different turn in our path to achieving our dream, and certainly unexpectedly with constant battles with health issues. But one thing we have learnt is IT'S OK TO NOT BE OK. With the constant of my Yoga and meditation practice it has helped me stay grounded and be more in control of my emotions. I have also learn't a valuable lesson these last month's, that is accepting what is and that this is where you are supposed to be right now in this moment, even when there is so much darkness, I believe there is a teaching that the universe chose for me to learn through my strength and courage.

 Things do happen for a reason weather we can see it or not, or if it even makes no sense at all. Let it make you stronger and more wiser to understanding this life, and create a space to be one with what is happening, even though we may stumble off our path, never loose faith that you will find your way back with the passion and light that shines within you. I started to think maybe I could help be a leader for others and help them find their strength and light back to making their dream a reality.

As I sit here and write this I feel a sense of purpose and gratitude. And I truly believe that my own  experiences in my life can help others find the light in their darkness. It is important to wake up every day and see the beauty of this beautiful life we have been given , and no it's not always easy sometimes its dam hard!!! unfair and traumatic. But you find a place of clarity and calm after looking deep into your own soul and being. Let's lift each other up with kindness and compassion. Show each other love and guidance. A tribe we can call our own to lean on and learn from. And be the best we can be.

For me the most important thing I have learned is that when you have pent up emotions, or feel like your in a rut of "The daily grind" it's important to talk about it and let it release. I'm so grateful for my loving husband who I can always talk to and gets me every time. Do you talk to anyone when you need to release?. Subscribe to Yoga Wanderer and join this amazing community. And remember IT'S OK TO NOT BE OK.
Love and light to you always.
Kristi ☀✌🙏💖
I would like to say a huge thank you to my cousin Hayley for amazing photo's and my beautiful beauty for being there with me Hayley always captures the best in me 😘😉 more amazing photo's to come!!!


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo