Tuesday 12 September 2017

The Wonder of Love... We are all deserving of receiving love.

Love....one of the most precious gifts this life has to offer. Every single living breathing thing on this universe is capable of giving and receiving love. Sometimes we have a little trouble with this... I have learned that in order to fully appreciate and receive the gift of love, you have to learn to love yourself unconditionally first. How ? By looking in the mirror, and appreciate the beautiful strong and confident person that you are. And this can be really difficult for some people. But you truly have to rise up stand strong an believe in yourself!!!. One step at a time, giving yourself the acknowledgement and acceptance you deserve. I hope to make a difference and share how life changing it is having this gift of love which is all around us. It's so sad all of the hatred, fighting and ill treatment of our beautiful creatures on this earth. I can most definitely say that having Yoga and meditation in my life has made me more aware of all this. My Practice has also made me more aware of my own self love and how I treat my body.
Something that has also become so very clear to me and very important is whatever you wish to receive from the universe is reflected on what you put out into the universe . When you reflect kindness and compassion you will see in amazement what is given back to you. Always be true to who you are...just be you you are amazing!!!


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i...

https://mailchi.mp/66d42edc34b0/yogawanderer-subscription Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo