Thursday 4 July 2019



These are all things we experience as a Mum am I right?.....and there are day's were we feel low and uninspired true? Well I have learned that these are normal experiences as a Mum. Becoming a Mum open up a whole new world of emotions And I'm sure I can say this for every Mummy out there, we want to be a positive light in our children's life. But our precious little ones can test us cant they! and we can feel like we are in a slump. Well Id like to share with you some strategies I use  to stay a positive light for my daughter EVEN WHEN WE DON'T FEEL .LIKE IT.... I guess we think of Motherhood as all warm and fuzzy (which it is !!) , but I realize now when we stop thinking that and take on all the things, all the emotions, life gets so much easier!!

DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF! You are doing an amazing job. The one thing you should never do is compare yourself to another parent. you do what feels right for you and your child and do what is working for you,  Playing the comparison game can be dangerous, it can lead to depression and low self esteem. Admit when you are feeling anxious or stressed. If you need help don't be afraid to ask for it. Find comfort in your support network. Reach out for guidance. I am so blessed too have a wonderful support network which I am so grateful for.

Now this is something that all Mum's are guilty of (yes I see you with your hand up!) we get so devoted to our roll as a Mum that along thew way we forget about us.We are so fixated on doing our best that we forget to take care of us. And if we aren't feeling taken care of and dig deep into that self love, we don't have our strength and emotional capacity to do our best for our family. And I want to always want to be my best possible for my family. Now It's dang hard! to find the time sometimes but I make it  happen. Sometimes when Trevor and our shining star are gone to bed, I will put my feet up and listen to a podcast with a face mask on. Or I might just relax and read a little. Do what feels good and emotionally comforting to you... promise me you will do it?.

I love structure and a plan..I'm hopeless when it comes to things changing in the structure of being familiar. But in a shout out to myself I am getting better. It's been a roller coaster of a ride learning how to 'Go with the flow'. But you have to expect the unexpected as a Mum. Every day is different with our children. I now wake every day and remind myself to go with the flow. When something comes up I might not have planned for, just roll with it in the moment. Do what you have to do. Sometimes we may not get something in particular done, but hey THERE IS ALWAYS TOMORROW!!

I really hope I have helped in some way to your journey as a positive Mum. I myself am only new to this role but am excited to share with you my experiences on this wonderful journey. Do you have any experiences you can share with us? we would love to hear from you. Take care of you...Together we can be a positive light in our children's life. Sounds pretty cool!!

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 2 July 2019



Well my friends it's been a long time coming but the time has come. I'm spilling the beans on WHAT I WANTED TO BE WHEN I GREW UP.

When I was a little girl I loved to sing and dance. Yep, that was me in my room with my hairbrush music on grooving like a champ!. you can probably guess what I wanted to be A SINGER!!.(like a lot of other little girls lol ) That was me. I dreamed of having my own rock star band and I was going to travel the world. My sister used to ALWAYS spy on me outside my room while I was singing and dancing (we still laugh about it to this day) But it meant so much to me. Being the shy quiet girl I was music was a way I loved to express myself. Can you relate to this?

How's that coffee tasting..Now if that wasn't enough to make ya laugh this will! Picture all of 4'11 A SUPERMODEL!! Yes you read that right. I was totally devoted to following supermodels. Every month Mum used to go to the newsagent and purchase the SUPERMODEL MAGAZINE for me until I started working and then I would buy it for myself (thanks Mum!) I was so into how they took care of themselves, the kind of HEALTHY food they ate, no not just the lettuce leaves! and their skincare and Beauty secrets. I was fascinated with looking after my skin with a proper skin care routine. I guess that was where it all started for me, learning about healthy living and how to take care of my skin. Once I was 16 and started working, I loved having my own money to try all the skin care ranges which I did!. My favorite was TV star Victoria Principles The Principle secret and RECLAIM. Oh My Gosh they were such beautiful products. I even got my Mum hocked!! she also started using them.

Along the journey of following Supermodels I also became really into make up along the way,and all the latest techniques on how to apply it. The photos of their make up was always SO PERFECT!! (Thanks to the help of great photographers and great lighting!) But I can honestly say It was always a healthy inspiration. I was totally inspired by the art of fashion models, how they created such stunning photos!! not just their beauty.

The most enticing thing that captivated me was the fashion!! I loved looking at all the fashions from the worlds top designers on the models. They were so stylish and such beautiful colors. I remember one Christmas mum made us a new outfit, and she made me a pair of those pants that flair out at the bottom with a halterneck top.  It was red and white striped. I just loved it! I really felt like a Supermodel!! this was really in fashion at the time (thanks Mum !!)

OK are you sore from laughing yet!! I bet lol I am just remembering back to that time of my growing up, what inspired me and made me happy. What do you remember from your childhood? what did you want to be when you grew up? It's amazing how things change as we get older and how our personalities and dreams keep on developing and changing. Share I would love to hear your story. Comment below and lets inspire each other.

Kristi Xx

Sunday 30 June 2019


Hello to all the beautiful busy Mummy's out there.Need help with organization to help your days run more smoothly? This is for you. I'm sharing all my tips and tricks that I've put into place since becoming A mum to a very energetic 2 year old shining star. Sometimes it's a struggle right? Being a Mum, wife, working a full time 9-5 as a Home Daycare Mum. And of course working on building a  community for women. Can it be done? Yes it can!! With organization and Batch work you can make it work and be so more productive with your time and have more time with you.

I became A mum at 41, yep you read right. I'm totally OCD when it comes to routine, so when our little girl came into our life it was a huge change to revamp our routines and engage in the transitions that were taking place. But we did... I got myself pretty quickly into a groove that worked well right from the start. And it was a lot of simple little things we do to make life easier and have well rounded time management. Here are some of my tips and tricks that make our life easier and leave more time for me to do things that are really important to me ( Like what I"m doing right now, writing this for you!) You ready....Let's take a look. 

NO 1.. At night before we go to bed once the dishwasher is finished we unstack and put away to save time in the morning. 

NO 2. Make sure all lunches are ready to go for the next day. This is such a time saver not having to do early in the morning!. I make our shining stars sandwiches and left overs are in Lunchboxes for Trevor and I ready for the next day (he even has our coffee cups ready with coffee in to go!)

NO 3.  I make sure all washing done that day is folded and put away. No stock piles in this house. OCD I know.....but believe me at night it's the last thing I feel like doing feels sp much better when it's done and the next day less to worry about. I don't know about you but washing is endless in my house!! How about you?

NO 4. Pre plan or cook meals on the weekends. I hate thinking of what's for dinner!! it drives me crazy. I'm so super blessed to have an amazing Husband who loves to cook. But he drives me  nuts when he never likes any of the meal ideas I think of. Mr Master chef  has arrived lol. So I let him go (I don't complain that for sure ) 

NO 5. Being a home daycare mum I .like to make sure during the day I have all the art and craft out I need ready for the activity planned for the next day. And the floor is vacuumed and moped at the end of every day. 
So there you have it beautiful Mummy's. Some very simple strategies to implement to make your life as a mum a whole lot easier. Now I not saying it's easy..HELL NO!!! once 7.30 comes and our shining star has been tucked into bed. I just want to flake out on my comfy chair! But there is something else I want to talk to you about. Listen to your body. When you feel your body saying I need a rest , or I need to go to bed Early tonight. Do it. Nurture and love our body. Our family needs us to be strong and healthy for us to ask for help if we need it. Never be afraid to ask for help. Look after you first to make sure you can be the best Mum and wife you can be. 

Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo