Thursday 6 June 2019


Who inspires you.....

As women we all have other women who inspire us at some point in our life. Women who have made us feel strong and confident. Women who have encouraged us when we didn't have the courage in our self. For me without saying my Mum and my Nona have being guiding inspirations throughout  my whole life. Now I want to share with you who inspires me with being an influencer and a writer to make a difference. It's important to have inspiration in your life that gives you confidence to believe in you and your dreams. let's take a look....

Wow this lady is definitley an inspiration in my life. She is an Entrepreneur, Educator, Photographer and host of the podcast Goal Digger. Jenna is from Minesota and is a genius when it comes to online marketing and is the best authentic story teller I have ever read. She connects with women in a way that saturates your mind body and soul with confidence. If your a budding entrepreneur with an online business then Jenna is your gal. Or if your are just feeling like you need inspiration in your life, look up The Goal Digger Podcast with over 250 episodes to choose from there is something for you.

Rachael another important beautiful inspiration in my life, who lives in the beautiful Island of Aruba is an amazing teacher of modern Yoga and an incredible entrepreneur and the founder of The Yoga Girl Community. Rachael has worked passionately to create a new lifestyle and movement to heal and change the world. Her mission is to offer support in healing and expand the process of self love. Rachael is an advocate for healing your own heart first to then in turn make a difference in healing the world.

So who inspires you? Do you want to be a part of changing and healing the world together? Comment below and share your thoughts and inspiration. Let's do this together . Don't forget to subscribe free to this community and heal your own self and heart first and then make a difference in the world. Until next time
Kristi Xx

Tuesday 4 June 2019



I have read your story and know that your dream is to build my own 7 figure or more online business. This inspires me so much! I have been writing and sharing my story for a while now. I can sometimes be a little introverted, and quiet. And perfection is a huge part of who I am.  Do you have any advice on how to share my story that is real and authentic with a strong life connection. How do I overcome the fear of failure?

It is appreciated all that you do and share.
Yours Sincerely..THE FEAR OF FAILURE...

Fearing Failure...WOW those are some pretty good questions there. I really this this is a natural instinct to have The Fear Of Failure when taking on something of this dynamic and magnitude. Will the fear of failure always be there....more than likely yes. But you know there are ways to get on top of it and continue to crush your dreams and live the life you want. But what If I did fail? I want you to imagine I'm standing right beside you cheering your name, encouraging you to just GO FOR IT!!  ( I can just picture this..hilarious!). I want you to realize that you have something special to offer the universe. And you have the strength, courage and creativity to make your dream happen.

I have thought out every possible outcome of this, having myself set to fail. Having a plan for when I fail, and what to tell family and friends. Even though I am already a successful business owner being a Home Daycare Mum, this is my passion that I'm working so hard for. And I then realized that they would be proud of me for trying and giving it my all. If I did fail....I would survive. And then I didn't feel as scared anymore. I believed that I was worthy, I was enough and deserving of success. We have to own our story and message and make sure we kindly whisper it t those that want to listen. Invite people into your life and world.

I don't want to be "part of the group" . I want to be different and set myself apart from others and be someone that will be remembered for years to come. I want to believe in my own story telling way that's special and unique. I will keep listening to that inner voice cheering me on, tackle through all the growing pains and make a difference.
Love Kristi Xx

Sunday 2 June 2019


Hello my fellow beautiful Mummy's.  I want you to take a seat and get comfortable, take a deep breath. But not for long because hey we're Mum's and there are things to get done right ?

As a new Mum, Wife, Daycare Mum my days and to do lists are NEVER ENDING...can you relate?. 
So I want you to not get angry when I add more to that list. And these things are my absolute NOT NEGOTIABLE. 5 things that help me get through every day the healthiest physically and emotionally. Like me I haven't a doubt you already been negotiating with the kids, maybe the boss?. So now I'm giving us both to make these 5 non-negotiable things part of your to do list. 

1/ DRINK WATER.. I was such a coffee addict. Not that I drank to much. But I was so believing in the feeling that If I didn't have my coffee I couldn't get through the day. My energy would just keep fading. SIMPLY NOT TRUE. I would feel  more fatigued after every cup.  I don't drink coffee anymore, I love my Milo in the morning now. Drinking more water will not only help you look and feel younger but help reduce the fine lines and wrinkles the natural way. 

2/ EAT HEALTHY.. Eating healthy is the healthiest way to naturally give you all the energy you need to get through the day. A moto I like to follow is eat the crap feel like crap. When I eat lighter I feel lighter and have more energy for my Family and the people who are depending on him. 

3/ GET REST WHEN YOU CAN.. Now I bet you want to hit me because you think I mean take a nap. NO NOT AT ALL.. I mean when you are feeling frazzled or over worked and your starting to feel CRAZY, when time allows just take a couple of minutes and sit where you can. YOUR TIRED!!. most women I know do not have time for a Midday nap. But for me as a Daycare Mum when the kids are sleeping and I've had my lunch. I just sit and close my eyes. I like to sit in mediataion pose. The time fame you do this is totally up to you and your daily circumstances. Just 10 minutes is all you need. 

4/ MOVE YOUR BODY.. This is so important. Moving our body releases stress and any built up tension from the long day. Just like the coffee we thought gave us energy, moving your body actually does!!. The key thing is to find an exercise routine you like and enjoy. 

5\ STAY STRONG..  I find this so important. Don't do something you don't want to do. NO is actually a sentence.When you say no to the little things the important things are much easier to say YES to. Don't overload yourself when it feels like you are being pulled in every direction. And stand up for yourself if you don't like the way someone is speaking to you. Don't be taken advantage of. 

Remember self care is not selfish. Take care of yourself as well as you take care of those around you.....

Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo