Friday 28 December 2018

Life Beyond Barriers.

Well Hello There!! I hope you all had a magical Christmas with Family and friends. For me this Christmas was full of forever magic. I wanted to write this blog post to talk about something that we all feel and sometimes even fear...BARRIERS!!.

LIFE BEYOND BARRIERS... What does this mean?  How do we create a life without barriers?
Well you can't because life is full of them!! It is how we evolve and grow, it's how we build resilience. Is this something you have been thinking about and wondering? Sometimes those barriers just can't be erased or even forgotten. Sometimes those barriers will always be there and be part of your life, the key is to accepting them as part of your life if they have to be and move forward to living your happiness and success. This can be very difficult to do, because it sometimes means accepting our reality.

But I want to let you in on a little secret that I use to keep pushing through these barriers that hold us back from living happy and successfully. Now you've heard me talk about it before and here it is again....YOUR MINDSET.  My friends what you are thinking and believing in your mind will have a profound affect on what the actual outcome will be. I grew up with believing what I was thinking was what was going to be when it is not. Weather you actually believe or not, when you change your mindset to positivity and determination, you will see things change in a real energetic powerful way. You will start to believe..

For me I've always had to change my plan on the path I wanted to take to get to a certain destination, the simple fact that is how life unfolded for me. But when you have to do this, you have to realize that's OK. Everyone of us has a different path, and are navigating different seasons. A good friend once said life is like the seasons. The turning changes, failures, triumphs and success are all different seasons that we are going through as individuals and families and I loved this!! So whatever the season be present in that moment, feel whatever you have to feel and look towards the next season always being present in the here and now. Not what might or might not happen because hey..we all know seasons change.....

So do you have barriers you are wondering how to cross and overcome? Comment  below!!. Share this with your friends and comment if you resonate with this. Talk again soon my friends. Lets all navigate the path with LIFE BEYOND BARRIERS.
Love and Light
Kristi Xx

Ps Check out my other blog posts!!. Share them with your friends.


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo