Saturday 13 October 2018


Hello There!!! I know your thinking what has this got to do with becoming the best version of you...
Well let me say that looking after my skin is a big part of my self care routine. If you feel good on the outside as well as the inside isn't it a win win situation? Here are the beauty products I can't live without....

Sukin is my favourite skin care range, its organic, vegan and cruelty free. Made from beautiful botanicals, antioxidants and essential oils to restore the natural vitality of your skin.

As I am such a huge advocate for creating your own self care routine, I wanted to share this with you and how daily practices like this help build up my confidence and vitality. When I feel good and comfortable in my own skin and body, I feel like I can conquer the world!! We all shine in our own distinctive way. None of us are the same and aren't meant to be. We each have our place in this world. It is hard sometimes to believe "I feel and look good" and sometimes we even lie to our self. And if you do will believe just keep telling your self.

Now we are turning back the clock. I was only 16. I had started working at our local Woolworths store. I was all the way hooked into skincare, makeup and fashion. So after a lot of years looking after my skin. I am proud of how my skin looks at 41.

So if you don't have a skin care routine.. I would love for you to try and let me know how you go. Or if you do have one do you feel good on the outside as well as inside? Do you feel confident? I would love to hear from you. So until then don't forget to subscribe and be part of this Journey together to be the best version of us we can. Lots of love to you all
Kristi Xx

Tuesday 9 October 2018


LET ME ASK YOU SOMETHING... are you happy with who you are but find yourself changing to please others? This is a trap so many of us fall into. But I am here to tell you my friend you rock just as you are!!!!. Remember there is only one you in this universe there is no one else like you. You are unique and precious just as you are. Each and every one of us is here with the freedom to be our self. Creative, funny, daggy or serious. That it what adds diversity and spontaneity to this life. 

Me..well I'm most creative in my PJ'S on my comfy couch with a cuppa. I am not even 5' foot tall and love to wear flats. I am OCD in my house (My husband just loves it..not!!) I am obsessed with being organised and do not always wear makeup. But this is me. 

What is you tell me about yourself?  

Trying to please and be someone that is not you can be exhausting!! Surround yourself with people who want to be around you just as you are. Be confident in your own skin. Find your tribe to let the real you shine and everything you have to offer my friend. The world needs you..... This is why I created this community. Snag my freebies when you subscribe!! My guide to living a happy life and a tutorial on how I conquered my fears. Untill we talk again Love and light Kristi Xx

Monday 8 October 2018



This can be so very difficult. And can take a lot of soul work to come to the point of being able to close that chapter. Growing up all I wanted was to be A mum, but I knew at 18 the chances of that were not in my favour. But IVF was going to be an option to try. So when I met and married my wonderful, compassionate soul mate Trevor it was so very hard to think I might not be able to give him this precious gift. But him being him told me all that mattered was being with me (not many guys like this right!!)

So after tying countless IVF cycles and my body feeling absolutely a wreck we decided to try adoption..after 11 years we finally closed the door on that chapter too. But during this time the saying "Everything happens for a reason" was so the last thing from my mind and belief. All I felt was anger and frustration. There were so many other medical issues I was also dealing with as well.

Then comes Yoga... I knew I had to find something to find my way back on a path of more happiness and understanding. So I began my journey with Yoga and Meditation. and well.....what a saviour!! the universe was truly giving me a sign, but what?

So I started journaling and writing. This gave me such peace and understanding. And  then came the lightning bolt... maybe the reason is because I have a gift to help others who maybe struggling with this, or  struggling with other areas in life. and I knew it was time for me to close this chapter and move on to living my life. I found the path I was meant to be on. I am happy and in control of my destiny... I  believe when one chapter closes another opens.
Love and light kristi 🙏💖

Subscribe to Yoga Wanderer and receive these Freebies!!!
#my guide to living a happy life
#A tutorial on how I conquered my fears


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo