Tuesday 16 October 2018


Hey There all you busy Mummas, this is for you too ...
As you know by now I am a very devoted Home Daycare Mumma. For the time I have been a Daycare Mum I have been in total awe at all the beautiful Mum's out there who have children, work full time, run with the kids to all the after school activities and run a household...PHEW.... This post is dedicated just for you Beautiful Mummas..

Now I know that it would not be easy. I don't have children of my own, but I can just imagine that sort of busy lifestyle. But I want you to take a breath for a minute ...this community is for you as well sweet Mummies. A place where you can come, breathe for a bit and have a little bit of time for you you. And focus on being the best you that you can be... Time for you can be the last thing you have time to think abiut, am I right?

Time, there isn't a lot of that for Mums is there. But it is so very important to find that time for you everyday in amongst all the chaos!!. Time to tune into your mind and body for a while. To listen to how you are feeling, and doing something for you to enjoy and relax. A space where you can continually come back to.

This is what I hope this community will do for you. Create a space that is just for you...with guidance and friendship right at your fingertips literally!! I want to be able to show you how to create this space entirely for you. A space where you can connect with others and me!!! And fill your own cup first to be able to give completely to your family. You soo deserve it.. Hope to see you on the inside. FOR ALL THE BUSY MUMMAS OUT THERE..

Lots of love Kristi Xx 🙏💖



Hey there! I wanted to write a post about people who don't like what you do or perhaps don't understand what you do. And I'm afraid to say ...these people are there. Even when what you are doing does not hurt or cause any sort of harm to anyone. I'm here to tell you..that's ok! Not everybody has to like what you do. So DON'T HATE THE HATER'S. Let me explain what I do in this situation...

It doesn't matter who weather it be friend's, family or work colleagues. When I experience this I smile, stay calm and just say "You know what that's ok, you don't have to because this is something that makes me happy and fulfilled". Sometimes our self confudence can take a blow and we start self doubting. You have to be stronger than this stay focused on what you are doing.

Well I guess that is just the nature of the way life is. Some people may seem judgemental on others or may they are just not happy with their own life. Or maybe you like to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. This can be hard for other's to understand who are not comfortable with doing that themselves.

Well we can learn more about how different our ways of thinking can be so different between us. We can also learn to respect what other's think and keep on with what you are achieving. Sometimes it can hold us back and form as a excuse even cornus to hide behind. This is not a good habit to get into ...trust me. Believe me when I say smile, stay confident and know ..that's ok.

Honestly I never thought I would be an influencer or even someone that had something to offer. That is why I Created Yoga Wanderer. And I would love to see you inside the community growing in confidence and strength. DON'T HATE THE HATER'S.  And!!! You will receive my Freebies 😉 My guide to living a happy and abundant life. Hope to see you there..

Lots of love Kristi Xx 🙏💖

Monday 15 October 2018

Never Say Never..

Hey Kristi Here... NEVER SAY NEVER hell yes!!!

Are you always second guessing yourself ?
Do you say to yourself "Nooo no way, no chance I could ever do that"
Well I'm here right now to tell you that you can!!!

Yes I did. I Always told myself someone like me (whatever that was supposed to mean but silly just the same) could never do anything like that. I thought all I was supposed to do was dream. And It took a long time to realise that what I dreamed was totally waiting for me to just chase and grab hold with both hands.

IT'S OK TO BE AFRAID..it doesn't mean you are week.
I used to be Soo afraid to do anything..and I wouldn't do anything or try anything new. Now I'm not saying it is easy because it's not!! Heck..I never thought I would be here writing this and sharing with you all but here I am.

 Now just let me say that this was no easy task. But you can learn to use this to your advantage when the negative deamons strike!!  The key is use them to empower you to say ' No thankyou I can and I will achieve this' and this might take some time to master, but believe me when you do you will feel the confidence and strength ooze out of you my friend. Use the negative demons like a best friend pushing you to keep improving. Work with them not against them and NEVER SAY NEVER...

So you see you can do it and you can achieve it. Have faith and trust in you... The possibilities are endless.. Subscribe to our community and receive my guide to living a happy and abundant life and so much more.

Talk again soon Friends Kristi Xx 🙏💖


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i...

https://mailchi.mp/66d42edc34b0/yogawanderer-subscription Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo