Thursday 24 October 2019


GOOD MORNING! The morning with me. Mornings can be a a absolute discontentment. You feel like that sometimes? But you wanna know something, it doesn't want to be. But it is up to us to make the change and turn it around. Is it easy, NOT ALL ALL. But with putting daily practices into place we can change it and wake up every day feeling ready to accomplish our goals. I'm going to let you in  on my daily practices and thoughts for you to try and see what happens. Sound good? Let's do it.

This is a must! I Wake up every morning and say something positive about the day, WHAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE. By doing this you are holding yourself accountable and giving yourself some love... You deserve it! Never forget that.  When I have a good foundation for the day my motivation and confidence feel alive and on fire! which is a good thing right? Positive affirmations reinforce my mindset to a healthy and productive place that will serve me better.

For me this is sacred time. Time to just enjoy the fresh start to a day with my cuppa, take a deep breath and and start the day with  a clear mind. Being a busy Mum the day's are long and and well BUSY. So this time I craft out every morning gives me a chance to gather our thoughts and just relax. it's so important to start the day calm and relaxed. There are times when life is so stressful and there is so much happening at once. It can be dang overwhelming. Allow this time for yourself before the daily grind starts. Your mind and body will thank you for it. Trust me on this one...

This is a part of my morning that I look forward to. Being a Muma I'm up early before the sun. So when the sun rises I like to go outside and just breath in some fresh air. That time of morning is so new and exciting. I actually feel excited about achieving my goals that day. Working towards my dream. It only takes just a couple of minutes to stand outside and just smell the fresh air.

I take this time every morning to just stand and stretch.Raising my hands in the air and stretch from side to side . Another one is making circles to stretch the neck warming the muscles and the mind ready for the day. A lot of our tension is stored in our neck. Doing this exercise twice a day helps keep stress and tension art bay. We all feel stress and tension in our life were only humans right? '

So if your looking for ways to start the MORNING GRIND right. Try my morning practices and I would love to hear from you how you went. I know they will help you too. We are in charge of our own happiness, we do have a choice. Always chose what will make you feel happy and excited to wake up every day.

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 22 October 2019


MARIE FORLEO...Have you heard of her. If you haven't be prepared to be blown away. Her latest #1 selling New York Times Best selling Book EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE is dynamite and the most life changing book of the year. Marie is truly changing lives around the world. She is crazy funny, pragmatic, compassionate and dedicated to enriching the lives of other women. Let's take a closer look...

What is EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE you ask? It is a formula of a belief that will make you unstoppable!. This book will retrain your brain to think more positively and creatively in the face of setbacks. Life is full of setbacks right? Bur when we can refocus our way of thinking and saying to yourself "OK what can I do about this" In turn helping you face your fears, fulfill your dreams and find a better way forward. Showing that their are solutions my friend and you can figure it out!!

There have been so many times in my life when I've been succumbed to setbacks. It didn't matter where I turned, ANOTHER ROAD BLOCK. Enter Marie Forleo and this amazing book. With implementing the daily practice that literally only takes 5 minutes if that, I began to see my thought pattern change and a shift in energy began to emerge. I started to feel stronger and believed in this mantra without any doubts. It's practical and actionable discipline. Plain and simple.

We learn at at very young age that we aren't given a manual at birth. But if you struggle with problem solving or making your dreams and goals happen, then you need to get this book! Marie's Formula is an easily accessible and very powerful formula to change the way we think and move through life. It really is the one belief that will change everything. It gave me the courage to act in spite of my fears. 

Living in the shadows of our fears can be so isolating and just dang draining. But this book will guide you step by step to face that fear and turn it around so you can live a successful and happy life with the tools to FIGURE OUT ANYTHING.  One of the biggest takeaways I got from the book was to eliminate my excuses. I was terrible at this, I had an excuse for everything I was afraid of but wanted to do so badly. Marie will show you just how to deal with this. Wouldn't that be nice to not fall prey to all pour excuses we have for our selves. I sure as heck know it would be. You agree?

Now I don't want to give any more away, you truly need to get this book. Marie is one of the most inspirational women. She writes exactly how she lives, with so much enthusiasm and a dedicated believer in finding the solution. I am continuing to put this formula into practice EVERY DAY. So are you struggling with your fears or finding solutions? GO GET THE BOOK! You will not regret it. If you have already read it, tell me about your experience. I would love to hear about it and share with you.

Kristi Xx

Sunday 20 October 2019


Hawaii, Italy, Scotland, Las Angeles. These are just a few of my Bucket list places I want to travel too with my family. Do you get that feeling of excitement and overwhelm when thinking about this...I DO! But not only do I want to go overseas, I want to see some of the most beautiful places right here in our back yard AUSTRALIA.  And now I want to share with you some of those places and their special meaning to me. I think we all have places we would love to see that have some special; meaning to us. Are you ready to go on a Deluxe holiday with me...LET'S GO! 

Gaia hold a special place on my heart. It was co founded by my childhood idol Olivia Newton-John. This is truly tranquility and healing at it's best. Situated in the breathtaking Hinterland of Byron Bay, which is famously known as The Healing Heartland of Australia. This retreat is the place to go for spiritual and physical healing, the place where YOU COME FIRST. They have such a wide range of packages tailored to suit, you can chose a range of specialized holistic spa treatment to suit your needs. Definitely my tick of approval as top of the list.

I have seen so many beautiful photos of the rugged and dramatic scenery. The wide open air space and picturesque colors have drawn me in to add this to my bucket list. With also the most amazing accommodation choices. I put Blue Mountains on my Bucket list because of the sense of  calm and natural beauty. I guess my vision of a perfect holiday is getting rest and relaxation, and experiencing peace and quiet. It was really an easy decision to add Blue Mountains to my bucket list.

What can I say, I'm a BEACH GIRL. I love the sand and the ocean, the smell of the fresh air and the sound of the waves rolling in. The island of MAUI is on my bucket list to stay at The Kutcher Condo located in Kihei owned by Drew and Jenna Kutcher. Jenna is an amazing entrepreneur and incredible source of inspiration to women. This tranquil space is perfect for a quiet family getaway to make everlasting memories. Maui, Kihei is on the top of my bucket list.

I am a country girl, but oh I do love the bright lights and movement of the city. LA has been on my bucket list since I was about 13 years old! The definite places are Hollywood, the Beaches without a doubt and last but no least Beverly Hills. I really want to experience the culture of living in a place like that. Ever since I was a little girls I've dreamed about seeing what the Hollywood life is like in LA.  The GLITZ AND GLAMOUR... So LA was a certain YES on my bucket list.

Well there you have it. My bucket list of places to see. I cant wait to tick them off one by one. How about you, do you have a bucket list? I would love to hear some of the places on your bucket list comment below and share your bucket list. Let's go on that deluxe holiday together.

Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo