Tuesday 31 July 2018


One of my favourite thing to do is read and be inspired. Gabrielle Bernstein is an exceptional writer and spiritual mentor. I have not long finished her latest book Judgement Detox. And I must say it was phenomenal!! We all witness judgement weather it's on ourselves or someone else.But in this book MY FAVOURITE AUTHOR shows the way to let go of that judgement and move towards and choose  happiness. Not listening to our ego and making the choice of choosing something else. In this book she teaches us techniques on how to let go of judgement with the promise of healing with a six step process that works!!! With principles from Kundalini Yoga, and the text "A course in Miracles" One of my passions is to be able to use my life learning and hardships to spiritually mentor others to connect to themselves in a way they never have or thought possible, and I do not have any qualifications. I want to share my journey and how I am becoming the best version of me I can. Gabby's mentoring touches on such a deeper level and truly has brought me peace and calmness. Her mentoring has taught thousands of people from all over the world  so much about themselves that they never realised, so much that I needed to change in order to live a life I truly love, the life I dream. I encourage you all to read Judgement Detox from MY FAVOURITE AUTHOR.
Subscribe to Yoga wanderer my friends and have guidance to becoming the best version of you...
Love and light Kristi aka yogawanderer ✌💖


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i...

https://mailchi.mp/66d42edc34b0/yogawanderer-subscription Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo