Wednesday 19 September 2018

The ultimate guide to Positivity.

Hello again Beautiful souls!! How do you start your day? In a positive way? Do you just stumble out of bed and go through the motions. Well I'm here to give you the ultimate guide to Positivity...
Every morning I wake I say an affirmation to myself. Pledging to myself that yes I do believe this, and I do believe what I am saying. Here are some of my favourite affirmations.

I am grateful for waking up today and I will make
The most of this beautiful day ☺.

I am healing from whatever part of me
Needs to be healed.

I am committed to getting shit done!! And continue
On the path of achieving my dream.

I wake today with love for myself, others and
Beautiful Mother Earth.

I honour the truth that I deserve to be happy and
Honour my self worth.

I know without any hesitation or doubt that I will
Get to where I want to be.

Well my friends there you have it. My favourite affirmations to bring POSITIVITY! They help me start my day right and I know they will for you too. Give them a try. Starting your day right is so important in setting the tone of your day.  Would love to know how you go. Click on th blog my friends and subscribe to Yoga wanderer, be apart of this amazing community. When you subscribe you will receive so much guidance and inspiration and motivation directly to your inbox every month!!. I am passionate about guiding people to be the best version of themselves they can be
Love and light kristi 🙏💖

8 Ways To Let Out Anger

Hello Beautiful souls!!! This is A topic I think we can all resonate with right? how to Let Out Anger in a more calm way. A way that doesn't include loosing our cool (uh oh !). Well take a look at these and give them a go what have you got to loose....

1- Breathe.. When you feel yourself on the verge of loosing control and wanting to explode. Just breathe stop for a second, close your eyes. Now big breath in... and long exhale out untill you feel all the air is released. Trust me this works and feels so good.

2- Walking- This is a way i have used many times. Just go for a walk. Stop and leave what your doing and go out for a walk in the fresh air and sunshine. If your at home with the kids and family, just walk out into the yard just for a minute and look up close your eyes and take a breath in and out. Do some slow gentle head rolls to the left and right. This really work for me to let out anger.

3- Meditate - Now before you say I could never do can. Anyone can meditate. Put on some relaxing music (you tube is a god sent for this !!). Find a spot thats comfortable, get in a comfortable position close youe eyes and just breathe. Feel the rise and fall of your chest. Let any thoughts came into your mind and pay no attention come back to your breath. Now you can do this for as long as you feel comfortable for and whatever time you have. (we lead such busy lives!!).

4- Smile... yes I said smile my friends!!. Just lift your chin and open those lips and mouth a shopw me a huge smile. Smiling raises and shifts our energy levels. And if you really concentrate you will feel a shift in energy and in your mood. Now go on...Try :)

5- Recognise what the trigger is... and LET IT GO.... there are many triggers that cause anger and frustration. The important thing is to look at what exactly is it that is making you angry, frustrated. Then out loud say to yourself "I release and let go" Take a minute to absorb what you said I guarantee you will feel the difference, I certainly do when I do this exercise.

6- Of course it would't be right if I didn't give my Yoga practice a mention. I'm a Home Daycare Mum, my days can be SUPER STRESSFUL.... but every morning  before my kids arrive I step on my mat with the intention of letting all the frustration out. Yoga releases any tension you have stored up in the body which can come in the form of headaches and muscle pain. Now I'm not a qualified Yoga teacher but this is exactly what it has done for me and you do it to the level that feels righyt for you... what do you say give it a go.

7- Forgiveness- Yes Forgive yourself. When we are angry we can tend to be less compassionate to the person or situation that has made us angry and frustrated. if we let go of the anger and say 'I forgive myself" out loud and make space for forgiving our self you will see that anger start to release.

8- Gratitude- When you are feeling angry and frustrated grab a pen and paper, write down all the things you are grateful for in your life. You will start to realise that being angry and frustrated has no positive place in your mind space. And does not serve your hogher good. This is something I do A LOT.

Well my beautiful friends these are my 8 WAYS TO LET GO OF ANGER  that really work for me and I hope they do for you too. CLICK and subscribe to receive monthly guidance tutorials how to's and ways to delivered directly to your inbox!!! I am passionate about guiding you to be the best version of yourself you can be. YOU ROCK my friend.


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo