Tuesday 9 July 2019


Well Hi there friends...OK this is something a little different. I can say I have not had a good relationship with the camera or photos. To be brutally honest, I hated photos! I always thought I was the least photogenic person on the planet!! But when my life started to change, and I began showing my true self, showing myself some self love, I LOVE DOING PHOTO SHOOTS. They really are so much fun. Well today I'm letting you in on my favorite gear I love to use on a photo shoot.

This is a must! don't you think ladies? when doing a photo shoot I usually do my own make up. So I like to bring with me my trusty little bag which holds the essential touch up items. They are ..
1 The lipstick and lip gloss I'm wearing for the shoot to touch up just before and during the shoot.
2 Blush to reapply a  bit of color to my cheeks.
3 Mascara to add  more length to my lashes if  needed.
With these few basics you will look amazing the whole way through. And of course I'm a more natural makeup sort of gal, and of course non toxic and not tested on animals. Are these yours as well?

These are a must for me. They add so much more character and style to a photo. Have you ever tried?. And of course to block out some of the glare if shooting outside. Shooting beach photos are the perfect excuse to use stylish sunglasses. At the moment I have brown @roxy sunglasses which I absolutely love. But sunglasses can be used on any outdoor photo shoot.

I guess this goes without saying, and important. When doing a shoot you have to be comfortable in the shoes if wearing them. If your not it can show in the photos and you lose capturing the real you in the photo. I love to bring a comfy pair of sandles and stylish lace ups. They always look stylish and a picture of who I am being authentic and true to character.

I like to keep my accessories simple but elegant. I usually like to wear  a simple pair of gold earrings and a stylish gold chain. I don't like to overdo it. Sometimes I love to show off some of my beautiful mala beads which are so pretty!. But I love going for the more natural. clean fresh look.

So there you have it, SOME OF MY FAVORITE GEAR TO USE ON A PHOTO SHOOT. What do you like to use on a photo shoot? Are you a photo type of gal? I would love to hear!. And don't forget to subscribe and be a part of this community of women lifting each other up to find their success and live the life they love.

Kristi Xx

Sunday 7 July 2019


A story I never really thought of sharing. But I was thinking about it and it became clear it was important to share it with you. My whole life people kept telling me I should work with children as I was so good with them and they seem to connect with me pretty quickly. Grab yourself a cuppa, take a seat and let's start this story. 

After we were married, I had such bad luck with jobs that were dead end and awful and totally draining. Jobs that ended up with cutting back hours which meant I always had to look for another job as I wasn't earning enough money. And it's dam hard living on one wage! Can you relate to this too? It was an emotionally draining struggle of looking for another job, and living in a small country town Sugar Cane community was not easy. Times were tough and there was not much around. This is where a lot of patience and soul searching came in. What made it even harder was I had no expertise or qualifications. I was limited to the kind of job that I could do....

So after a while I started doing some house cleaning. But that turned out to be another dead end as well!! I was lucky getting twelve hours a week! Being sent to wrong places and people that weren't home. I kept thinking to myself....there is something better out there for me. I believed that with my whole heart. Then one day my best friend rang me and said would you like a job working with kids?
As you could imagine I was gob smacked!! Of course I said yes, after months of just battling something was finally going my way. I was going to be an Educators Assistant!! GO ME!! And so my journey into early Childhood began.....

So after filling out all the paperwork it was all systems go to start studying my Certificate 3 in Early Childhood. Now studying scared the hell out of me. Up until this point in my life I had never wanted to study anything! I hated school with a passion, but I did have the intelligence to do it if I put my mind to it. Then the moment of truth, I started my studying. And to my complete surprise it was going OK. It wasn't easy, most of my time was devoted to trying to get it done as soon as possible (well it took a little longer than I had planned)  but after 2 years at the center just before Christmas they decided to close down. ABSOLUTE SHOCK. I immediately thought nooo I can't do this again...

But this was not all that was happening in our life. At the exact same time they gave the word of closing I was sitting beside my Husband while he was having treatment . At this point he had been unwell for a while, and after tests was diagnosed with Myesthenia Gravis which is an Auto Immune Disease (just to add a little spice to things). So we got through all that and did what needed to be done. While this was happening my brain was working overtime. With my husband sick and not going to be able work. I had to take action FAST. 

With the center closing in two weeks. I had to come up with a plan. Then enter the idea of Home Daycare. There were parents asking me if I would consider this. Now I had never wanted to do this. As much as I loved children, I never had a desire to become a Home daycare Mum. But I decided YES I would give it a go. And I'm so thankful I did. It changed our life in so many ways for the better. So it was decided to go ahead. The planning of my downstairs Daycare area began. But the start date was set till the end of January,. we first had to get Trevor through major surgery that he had to have to continue the process of managing this Auto Immune Disease. 

And In true Trevor and Kristi style we made it.....Trevor was recovering nicely and I started my new adventure as a Home Daycare Mum. Has it been easy? Hell no, certainly been some struggle days. But working from home now with our beautiful shining star is amazing. So I want to leave you with this thought. Nothing can hold you back from living a better life and piece by piece live your dream. I would not be where I am now if it wasn't for those challenges. I would never have had the courage to start the journey of being an influencer and blogger sharing my story. YOU CAN DO IT..YOU ARE STRONG.

If you would like to be part of an amazing community of women and be uplifted with real, authentic and sometimes raw inspiration. Then subscribe to Yogawanderer and together let's make all our dreams come true. Share with friends, let's make this our community shine..
Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i...

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