Thursday 13 December 2018


Hi there..Well MY STRUGGLE WITH INFERTILITY I have been wanting to share this for a while, but it was important to share it in a way that would really help and give some sort of reassurance and comfort to other women out there who are struggling the same. Growing up all I ever wanted was to have a family and be a Mum. But I knew that that may not be possible for me, I wasn't completely sure. So when I turned 18 I went and got it checked out. And then that dream was crushed. I was never going to conceive naturally but there was a chance, a small chance through IVF. BUT.... the next step was donor eggs. I found out my ovaries did not produce eggs, they were DORMANT. Then we moved on to the next phase of this Journey......

So when Trevor and I decided we would explore the option of IVF to have a family, we knew this was going to be a rough journey. But something wonderful happened. My sister offered to take on the journey with us and donate her eggs for us, something I will treasure and be grateful for for the rest of my life. Now this was a huge decision for my sister to make but she was determined to help us and then started the process. This was both an emotional and challenging process both mentally and physically. But after being successful we were ready to take on the unknown.

So then came time to prepare me for the implant process. I remember after the first one I was so excited and very impatient waiting the 11 days was torture!!. But then then the results...negative. And I remember feeling so crushed, but at the same time I knew. But none the less devastating when your told. So then came the full on aftermath. The pain and bleeding was excruciating!!.  But after everything settled we decided to have the second third fourth and fifth go. We ended up having 9 tries and decided that it was time to look at the reality. This was not gong to happen.

Deciding enough was enough was hard, but it was time to face that this was not meant to be. My body was also exhausted. Because three months prior to starting IVF I had heart surgery which I had to have before ever trying to fall pregnant. It took me a long time to be at peace with the decision to stop. But I had to take control of my life again. Start looking at the blessings I already had a husband I adored and adored me the same, and a life where I could be and do anything.

After IVF we decided to try adoption but 10 years later nothing was happening, so we decided to close that chapter as well. Wow..the roller coaster of infertility. Nothing can prepare you for it, it's a process you take one day at a time one step at a time. There is no right or wrong. Every story is different and this is my story about MY STRUGGLE WITH INFERTILITY. Have you subscribed yet? Subscribe and follow my Story and see how I turn things around and share my journey to inspire women to be confident inspirational and successful. If you have a story of your own I would love to hear from you!!. Follow me on Instagram @kristisinspiration Until next time my friend.
Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo