Tuesday 20 November 2018


Well hello sunshine.. THE MEANING OF LIFE. What does life look like and mean to you? Do you live life to the fullest. I have come to learn some pretty valuable lessons in my life over the last 10 years or so. Not just the importance of how precious life is but the dynamic, what are we doing with life? 

When I was younger I wasn't much of a doer by means. I kind of just flowed with the everyday. No real goals or plans. But I watched in awe of everyone around me achieving and being successful. And after a long time I thought, I want to do this and I can do this!!! So I started to put strategies into place to put what I wanted into light. I had some serious questions to answer. Questions like ;
- What do I want to achieve out of life?
- How do I want to achieve this?
- What is the end goal of what I want to accomplish?
- What changes do I need to make to achieve my goals?

When you look at these things you start to open your mind and heart to a whole world of different opportunities you never thought possible. And you even have more self belief that you can do this, seriously!! In this life nothing is easy, we have to bust a move and sweat to make things happen. If we don't work at it, it's not going to happen my friend. 

When you start to really get shit done and make a ripple effect, you can then really take a look at yourself who you really are. For me when I did this I found some really interesting facts..
- I LOVE YOGA and  am dedicated to my Yoga practice.
- I LOVE maxi dresses!!!
- I love yoga pants!!
- I am so passionate about helping other women live their best life being the best version of them self.  

So you see when you break it down and look at THE MEANING OF LIFE from the point that your life is what you make it, all with the good and the bad. And you ask yourself some very important questions that will give you an insight as to weather you are living your life to it's fullest potential. Ok... now I want to hear from you, how do you think you are going in your own life? Did I inspire you to make a change ? Comment  below I would love to hear from you. To hear more on how I live my life to it's full potential snag my free guide to how I live a successful life the strategies that I use. It's a simple game changer. 
Lots of love Kristi Xx



Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i...

https://mailchi.mp/66d42edc34b0/yogawanderer-subscription Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo