Saturday 3 February 2018


Dear Me,
My FREEDOM OF BODY AND MIND. It is the core of my soul and the privilege I am so grateful for. To have the freedom to love, respect and not be afraid or ashamed of my body. The Freedom to be one with my mind and nurture, listen to and the awareness of when I need stillness and light to have the strength and courage. The Freedom to understand the true essence of who I am and the person I strive to become. The person I still work very hard to be. Practising Yoga has brought so much clarity and realisation of this and given me the knowledge to use it to bring peace and contentment to my life.

This wonderful freedom is something that we all have the privilege of having within us and something we all should be truly grateful for. It is so important to always be aware and not misuse these freedom's in order to live a happy and healthy existence in this life, but consciously use our freedom in a truthful and authentic way. Don't wait for things to happen, tut me this does not work  I kn ow first hand, I did this for a long time.Go out with courage and strength, fear of the unknown to make your happiness a reality. I would love for you to share your experiences with me. How are you grateful for all your freedom, and what does it mean to you?

With the FREEDOM OF BODY AND MIND, the possibilities are endless. Just to be in that space of pure release and have the grace and poise to truly connect to a higher source. If our body is feeling restricted then our life and minds also will feel restricted. The Freedom of our mind begins with the freedom of our body, we know that movement of our body has a powerful effect on our brain. I know this as after I have practised Yoga, my mind is widely open in a way that it indescribable. So when we practice things that for us personally open up our mind and sometimes in a more vulnerable way, we can completely connect with what is going on within our state of mind.

When we have both FREEDOM OF BODY AND MIND we are cultivating expansion, love, mindfulness, and commitment to living our purpose with joy and ferocity.  Our spirit is where the body and mind meet. This is where we can find our own gifts that we can then use as guidance to help others and create like a rippling affect that can go on for the rest of this lifetime.

Have you subscribed yet? please come join us and together we will navigate this life to finding our best version of us. I will talk to you all again soon!!!

Love and light kristi Xx 🙏💖


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo