Wednesday 26 September 2018


How is your mindset? Are you in a positive mindset? or do you feel swarmed with negativity?
Hello my beautiful friends!!!. This has certainly been me at times in my life

Sometimes we can find our self in a really negative state of mind, and we can find it hard to find any positive thoughts or belief and even happiness. But with these strategies in place you will see a change that opens up yourself to a world of opportunity... HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET

-surround yourself with people who are in a calm, energised and happy mindset.
- Focus on your visions and goals, this will give you a shift of energy and a sense of steadiness.
- Don't be afraid of your voice. Use your voice. use your voice to speak aloud of how you feel in your mindset. Engage with people who will listen and you feel comfortable with. 

For our own well being, it is so important to be able to connect to your mindset. This is our tool to see if we are truly happy, or we need to make changes that will help us to be in a more happy and vibrant  place. This can be a very vulnerable thing to do. I always make these a part of my spiritual practice. And to give my mind some serious TLC. If you feel you need to change any part of your mindset, practice these tasks HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET and see if this helps you, I would really love to know how you feel.
Subscribe to Yoga Wanderer to become part of a community of friendship, guidance and empowerment.
Love and light Kristi Xx.

Tuesday 25 September 2018



Hello beautiful game changers.... What do you do before 8am in the morning? Make the kids lunches, get kids ready for school or maybe you are even at work well and truly  before then. But what do you do for you to prepare you for the day.
Preparing our self both physically and spiritually for the day ahead is so very important, it sets the tone of the day and the tone of your mind. These are some things I do to prepare for the day ahead, I know they will help you too. 
1- once you wake, just take a deep breath and slowly sit up on the side of the bed. close your eyes and just connect to your breath for a minute. Feel the rise and fall of your chest. Then slowly stand up and begin your day. 
2- Make a nice cup of hot lemon water. Very calming and good for skin quality and digestion. 
3- Go outside with your lemon tea and just feel the sunlight on your face(unless your up with the chickens!!! then wait till it's light ). 
4- Find time to move your body, even just 5 minutes do some Yoga to stretch and release any tension. 
5- Find 5 Minutes after you move your body to sit and meditate, longer if you have the time.Breathing in and slowly releasing it out. 
6- Journal, this is something I do every day. Even just a few lines. Write down how I feel and what my mindset is like today. What am I grateful for. Whatever it is you need to write. 
7- Set an Intention or Goal for the day. What is it you want to achieve for today?
8- Now ROCK IT!!!. Go about your day with determination, confidence and self belief.. I believe in you....

Now I know that it can be hard to find this time for ourself in the morning like this, it is!!!.  But with re adjusting and even sacrifice, you can do 8 THINGS TO DO BEFORE 8AM. 
Have you subscribed to Yogawanderer? Subscribe and become part of this empowering and inspiring movement. You will receive monthly Inspiration and guidance delivererd directly to your inbox ☺ tutorials, Guides on how to and ways to, plus videos and much more!!! A place you will feel safe and beautiful friendships will be made. 
Love and light Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo