Tuesday 17 September 2019


Turner Syndrome...My journey started on November 2, 1977. I was born into a family with two wonderful parents. In my early childhood I was a happy little girl. The one difference was my height, I was a lot shorter than other girls. Now this didn't worry me at all, I embraced my height and was still a happy little girl.

Then...everything changed once I started my school years. Primary school I started to become very self conscious and more aware of my height and so did the other kids. There was the teasing because of my height. And this continued into high school. I had my Best friend and other close friends but I did find it hard to meet and make new friends. My Mum took me to see a Gynecologist when I was 12. After test were done it was diagnosed I had Turner Syndrome. I found it could just be diagnosed with looking at the girl, extensive blood testing was needed to make a confirmed diagnosis. TS, what the heck was that!!. So the researching and talking to different doctors help us have a better understanding of what it was. With time my attitude changed and I started to learn to love myself for who I was.

Turner Syndrome..never heard of it?
Why Me?

So as the years went by I had everything fixed, my ears after years of trouble. And the narrowing in my aortic valve. Heart problems is a main feature of TS. Then started my thyroid journey to getting it sorted out, now we have it under control most of the time. This was such a confusing and scary time but one step at a time I got through it, and still am following this motto at 42! My turning point was actually 3 or 4 years ago I started really accepting and embracing me, and doing my own research into TS and deciding I needed to become a Butterfly to raise awareness. I thought to myself, there are other girls/women out there as scared and confused as I was. I wanted to let them know that they are not alone. And to seek help and get the questions answered you have. For me I really struggled with infertility and took a long tome to get to the place I am now.

So the purpose of this story is never judge a book by it's cover and to make a statement. NEVER let anyone make you feel as though you are worthless or different. Don't define your limits of you you are because I'm here to tell you there are no limits. You are capable of living your dreams. So go and live them beautiful butterfly. I might have turner syndrome but a hell of as lot of determination has made me who I am today.

Are you as Turner Syndrome Butterfly ? or do you know someone who is. I would love for you to share this as raise more awareness that we are not different and we do fit in.....

Sunday 15 September 2019


What is motivation?
Sometimes I surly do lack it. You too? Well motivation is the reasons for our actions, and the willingness for our goals. It is our needs, desires and drives within us as individuals. Does this make sense? Motivation is one of the key components that will help us achieve those goals. If we have motivation we will have SATISFACTION and growth in our own PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Life is like a roller coaster and we tend to let that motivation disappear. Motivation helps us get up early and be productive. It is also the key to success and being successful in achieving your dream and living a life you love. OK, now lets dive in a little more....

My journey with motivation has been a dang rocky one...can you relate?  But after chipping away at the fears and self doubt, I can craft my motivation in a way that serves my dreams and goals in life. That was when I really started to see results in my life and my goals. So I would like to share with you some tips to help  you do the same and find that motivation for yourself as they did me sound darn good? OK my friend here we go......don't forget to take notes!

1- Don't assume Money will motivate you. Love what you do and relish in the enjoyment of doing something that makes you happy.
2- Keep that bigger picture in mind!! Think of what will be waiting for you after you put in all the hard work and get to exactly where you want to be. This is a HUGE motivator.
3- Make sure they are your goals! Tap into what it really is you want. Is this your goal?  Or are you doing it to please other people?
4- Break the Goals down into smaller pieces. By doing this things can seem more easily achievable and not so overwhelming. You are also covering all bases and seeing if there is anything you have forgotten.
5- Tap into other peoples energy. This is a key part for me. Having mentors with incredible energy and vibe that you can feed of is the best motivator!.

Oh my gosh!! what did you think? I really hope this inspired you to take action. If it did let me know. I would love to hear from you. Share this with a friend who needs a little inspiration to find their own motivation. But don't be hard on yourself girl!! we all go through stages where we lose some motivation or aren't feeling "In the groove". With these personal tips I have followed I know you will find it again. I BELIEVE IN YOU... and I want you to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. If there is anything you feel you need help with or want me to write more on I would love you to send me an E Mail and connect with me. Talk again soon Friends.

Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i...

https://mailchi.mp/66d42edc34b0/yogawanderer-subscription Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo