Thursday 17 October 2019


Our Authentic self. The real you! This is something I encourage all women to do. This is where the true greatness lies, and how we become remarkable in life and success. I work so hard to show every strength of my authentic self and leave an inspirational footprint on the hearts of other women. Because being your authentic self is who you are at your deepest core.

As I've gotten older, I've noticed more and more that we tend to try and be more like the people that inspire us, instead of learning from them and letting our true authenticity shine through. These are 5 powerful ways to become your best self:
1 Try new thing's! you can't let yourself become complacent.
2 Pursue your dreams.
3 Focus on self care.
4 Keep up your motivation.
5 Adopt good habits both personally and health wise.
Go ahead and try and see how they work for you. This is the time to stretch and grow yourself. It's the best journey of self discovery.

When you really think about it it's instinctive for us as humans to show up as our true authentic self. One of my inspirations Bren'e Brown says "Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are." So true right? Sometimes we get caught up in pleasing others that we loose sight of our Authentic self, and the others we are trying to help also don't have connection to their true self either. The key to finding your Authentic self is nurturing your own physical well being. If you are not doing this you will never find true happiness.

Your authentic self will not show through if you don't sleep enough or your not feeling well. If your not feeling well your mind won't either. So treat your body with some love will ya and make it a priority. You will start to see amazing things unfold in your life and the happiness you are looking for will begin to show.

Give yourself some space! Finding your Authentic self requires a  lot of focusing inwards towards yourself. This sounds easy but for some can be really hard. Especially if you are someone who has spent a lot of time focusing on others before your self. So it's better to distance yourself from people who break down your authentic self and fill you with negative thought.

So I want to remind you to make time for yourself and see all the possibilities that are right there in front of you. Trial and error is the key, try on different selves and see how they fit and what feels comfortable and just be the best you that you can be ..

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 15 October 2019


The one thing today so many women lack is confidence in themselves! Yep I put my hand up to that one, but after making changes to the way I look at myself my self confidence has sky rocketed. Self confidence is our own belief and trust in our abilities, trustworthiness,powers and reliability. A self confident person does not doubt themselves, without sounding cooky or arrogant. It's just as simple as that.  But this one idea will help you boost your confidence and stand proud of your self, that is GET TO KNOW YOURSELF. Yes take the time to look at who you are,and get to know you on a more personal level. 

Getting to know yourself means knowing your own strengths and weaknesses. your dreams and desires, and passions and your fears. More importantly knowing your purpose in life. When we get to know our self we learn our values and strengths, things that we excel in and really feel good about. This is the sure way to being happy and living a life we love. So many women just think they have to settle for what is because of lack of not knowing who they truly are and their capabilities.

Ask your self this question. This is a great starting point to getting to know you,. I'll start it off. I would describe myself as :
- Passionate about my work.
- ambitious and driven.
- I'm a people person.
- A natural leader and communicator.
Now I want you to do the same. I would love it if you would describe yourself in the comments below. I would love to get to know YOU a little better.

Finding you is an experience that is hard to describe. It's enlightening and the feeling of becoming self -efficient and doing things for your self is like a feeling of freedom. A feeling that you believe you can do and achieve anything. When we don't know who we are it's something that becomes very hard to ignore and the curiosity becomes a very strong force. As women I think it's so important that we know who we are to see our own strength and place in this world. Click the link below to grab my freebie How to change your mindset and achieve your dreams. I promise it's good!

Xx Kristi. 

Sunday 13 October 2019


Have you ever experienced people who just don't get what you do?  Or just think your braking up the wrong tree. I think we all come across that In our life at some point or another. But the question is how are you going to handle it? The way I figure is we have two options. We can give in to the haters or stay focused on our own dreams and  happiness and keep going for gold! Let yourself accept the haters and people who judge you. Then keep doing what lights you up.  You have something to offer the world that only you have my friend.

Up until a few years ago, I would have been devastated to know I had haters out there. It would have crushed me to the point of giving up whatever I was doing. No matter how passionate I was or how much I loved it. But after making mindset changes I'm more determined now to do what I love and just be happy. I encourage you to look closely at your mindset and ask yourself, is this benefiting me or my dream. Is this empowering me to move forward.

Now this is a subject to talk about for days. Body image was so very important to me, I was so engrossed in trying to have the perfect image. Until I realized that ..I was perfect just the way I am. And you are too! I want you to say it with me, ready 1 2 3  I AM PERFECT.  There is so much criticism out there concerning the way a women's body looks. Those people are not looking into the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. when they sparkle and light up,so does our bodies. Own how beautiful you really are. Let the confidence and strength just shine through. Focus on the people who you inspire and motivate, while it's still important to accept the people who judge. Worrying or stressing about it will take up space in your mind that should be filled with the plan to live the life you love.

Never be afraid to voice what you believe in, but never raking down what someone else might believe in. We are individuals with the right to our own belief and opinion. As humans this is a part of our nature. Someone else having a different view of a point you are making. If what we believe is not hurting anyone and still showing compassion and kindness why can't we have our beliefs. It happens in our families, someone not believing in a way you would go about doing something.

Don't fear the haters, accept that and never loose site of the path you are on. as they say the world would be a dull place if we were all the same. We need some variety and spice in the human race don't you think?
 click the link below and grab my freebie

Xx Kristi


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo