Sunday, 13 October 2019


Have you ever experienced people who just don't get what you do?  Or just think your braking up the wrong tree. I think we all come across that In our life at some point or another. But the question is how are you going to handle it? The way I figure is we have two options. We can give in to the haters or stay focused on our own dreams and  happiness and keep going for gold! Let yourself accept the haters and people who judge you. Then keep doing what lights you up.  You have something to offer the world that only you have my friend.

Up until a few years ago, I would have been devastated to know I had haters out there. It would have crushed me to the point of giving up whatever I was doing. No matter how passionate I was or how much I loved it. But after making mindset changes I'm more determined now to do what I love and just be happy. I encourage you to look closely at your mindset and ask yourself, is this benefiting me or my dream. Is this empowering me to move forward.

Now this is a subject to talk about for days. Body image was so very important to me, I was so engrossed in trying to have the perfect image. Until I realized that ..I was perfect just the way I am. And you are too! I want you to say it with me, ready 1 2 3  I AM PERFECT.  There is so much criticism out there concerning the way a women's body looks. Those people are not looking into the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. when they sparkle and light up,so does our bodies. Own how beautiful you really are. Let the confidence and strength just shine through. Focus on the people who you inspire and motivate, while it's still important to accept the people who judge. Worrying or stressing about it will take up space in your mind that should be filled with the plan to live the life you love.

Never be afraid to voice what you believe in, but never raking down what someone else might believe in. We are individuals with the right to our own belief and opinion. As humans this is a part of our nature. Someone else having a different view of a point you are making. If what we believe is not hurting anyone and still showing compassion and kindness why can't we have our beliefs. It happens in our families, someone not believing in a way you would go about doing something.

Don't fear the haters, accept that and never loose site of the path you are on. as they say the world would be a dull place if we were all the same. We need some variety and spice in the human race don't you think?
 click the link below and grab my freebie

Xx Kristi

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Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo