Sunday 8 September 2019


Hello there!! I'm a Mum to a beautiful energetic two year old little girl and I also work from home with My own Business as a daycare Mum. The idea of working from home having my own business has always been a dream and I love it!! But it also comes with some certain components that that I really nurture and listen too. You really have to dig deep and listen to your inner voice and how you are feeling. I love working from home. But I want to share with you my important practices that I follow to keep myself from feeling reclusive and isolated. Strategies that will help make your journey more like the dream you visioned.

Yeah you!! You are beautiful....dress to make you feel good and motivated and comfortable. I love sometimes to even put a sparkly headband in my hair,the ,kids love it!! Why not put on some lippy and a nice shade of blush on the cheeks to feel  happy and glowing. Heck why not do a twirl like Cinderella. Feel the good vibrations and how successful you are girl!! Why not even put on a nice bright colored pair of earrings. The point is to make you feel how successful and confident you are. Even if you are at home!! Now I love been in comfy yoga pants and my slippers just like you, but we need to make the time to make ourselves feel good about ourselves and feel how awesome we are as Mumma's and Girl Bosses. 

Since Starting my own business from home in 2018 One of the most important things Iv'e learned is that you have to construct your schedule in a very active way that serves both your business and you...don't forget you. This is time that I turn off from business mode and turn too me mode. This is time that you carve out every day where you just completely focus on you. Time to clear your mind, take a deep breath and do something that makes you feel relaxed. Some tips that I love are:
1- I love listening to inspirational podcasts to help me feel inspired and in a calm mindset.
2- Carve a little break to read .Weather it be a book, articles or inspiring magazines. This allows your mind to shift direction for a while to help you from feeling too overwhelmed. Can you relate o this? I know I sure can.
3- One of my favorite things to do is just sit, close my eyes and takes some slow easy breaths. Acknowledge what comes into your mind and let it float by coming back to your breath. 
Give these things a try!! I know they will help you too. Send me an Email and connect with me to let me know if they helped you.

Chore time... ugh. It's never ending right? Sometimes it feels like there is not enough hours in the day. Do you feel like this too? But there are ways to make this less painful and more productive. Make a plan to follow every day. A plan that the whole family can be a part of and have a role to play in the day to day chores. Then carve out time that suits your families schedule. This is also a great way to have some extra family time as well as allow more time for you to enjoy being a Mum. This is also something that can strengthen your Families bond. So make it more of a fun time rather than just chore time, the kids might even be excited!!

It's your business...and your choice to make. It's hard being a Mum and working. Make hours that suit you and your family. We don't need to work 12 hours a day. Could we..YES of course but make the choice not to. It's so super important to make sure we don't burn ourselves out, just take it one step and task at a time. I have really come to realize this and I hope to help you realize it too. Give yourself the time to have with family in the afternoon.  My daughter loves when it'a time to put the washing on, her favorite thing to do is take the clothes out of the basket and put in the machine, she loves it!!! ( And Mummy doesn't mind either 😊 ) Try and see if it works for you too.

Working from home can great!! I wouldn't have it any other way now. But in my journey I have found that it can be isolating. Which is why I wanted to write this to help all the other Mum's who might be embarking on this journey. Don't forget time to go have that coffee with a friend or go shopping with your Mum, friend or even Hubby!. Craft time to get out in the sunshine and breathe in some fresh air. When you allow time for this it makes the wonderful experience of working from home that much more rewarding and enjoyable. I would love to hear about your journey of working from home. Send me an E mail and lets connect. Until next time

Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo