Tuesday 12 March 2019


Attitude... I use to hate that word. It made me think of myself in a negative way. And honestly so unmotivated and lacking in self confidence. I had absolutely no idea the importance of how a healthy attitude affected how my day would turn out. Trust me when I say if you wake up with a positive and happy attitude you will achieve what you want for that day and more. But if you have the attitude that you can't and your thoughts are full of negativity then it is not going to happen . WHEN ATTITUDE IS CHANGED THOUGHT IS CHANGED.

I raise my hand when I say negative thoughts are so dam draining, and the more I gave into them the stronger they become. Some great ways I have used to change my attitude are
1 keep a gratitude journal of things you are grateful for.
2 Use positive words to describe your life.
3 Don't forget to breathe!!

So I want you to try ... wake up and smile. Be grateful to be alive. Whatever goals or dreams it is you want to create that day say to yourself GO AND DO IT!! Just doing simple tasks like this can have a huge affect on how your day will unfold. I found that when I did change my attitude I started to see a change in my life because my thought pattern started to change in a more positive direction. I had more confidence to get the job done and abundance and success started to fill my life. Do you have a healthy attitude? How is your thought pattern? comment below and tell me how you are making positive changes to your life. Let's do it together to create more success and abundance. And more importantly showing gratitude and love for the amazing woman you are.

Kristi Xx

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