Tuesday 17 December 2019


Once upon a time STORYTELLING was something I would NEVER think to do. Telling my story made me cringe, I did not think that anyone would be the least bit interested in my story. I hated even talking about it. But hear me out..when I started to own my story,be proud and share my experiences to help others the table started to turn in the right direction.

My story began on the 2nd of November in 1977. I was born with TURNER SYNDROME. So my life has had a lot of health battles and confidence issues. I was a very shy and quiet right through till about four years ago. Something happened, I'm not even sure I can explain it, but my energy shifted, I was so tired of feeling like I had to hide from it because it defined who I was. I'll let you in on nother of my little secrets.....IT DIDN'T. And yours doesn't either. Our story is what makes us into the strong capable and confident women we are .

Once I started sharing my story I began connecting with other women who had the same story! Who could relate to exactly what I was saying and feeling. And then my self confidence really started to grow. It was like a sense of true power. A power to inspire and lead other women to own their story and make their mark in this world.

Telling stories is one of the most powerful means to create connections and ideas. Storytelling is ine of the most important traditions a human possesses. When we share our story we not only teach others to love, to forgive others and strive for better than we have. When we do these things our self confidence begins to grow even more. And we feel so much more alive and present.

So why tell stories you ask? your story is a distinctive pattern. And in that pattern you can find influential meaning. We use our stories to make some sense of the world and share that understanding with others. They are the alarm within all the noise.

So in summary everyone has stories to tell.  But storytelling is a skill that can be developed. and used as a tool can have a huge effect on the world. Storytelling is a huge contributor to connections and change. Have you told your story? Grab my free guide In the link below to changing your mindset to achieve your dreams and make a difference. The world needs to hear your story...
Kristi Xx


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