Saturday 15 July 2017

The Beauty of Self Acceptance and Self love..

Wow!! I look at this photo and think Is this me being still?...
I was always a hundred miles an hour not being able to keep still!! But throughout my Yoga journey with meditation I can now be still and really learn so much about myself. In this crazy Journey called Life we sometimes tend to focus solely on what we want our life and ourself to be like or what we have to do to manifest our dreams, that we forget to take a moment and look at all the things we have in our life to be grateful for right now in this present moment.This is where self love and self acceptance comes in. Yes my life may not be perfect, I may not be perfect. But I have total acceptance and self love for exactly who I am. I am exactly who I need to be, and I see the beauty within me both on the inside as well as the outside. We are all beautiful everyone of us.When you stop trying to change what you don't like about yourself and look at all the good qualities you have, then you can truly start to manifest a life you dream of living with a whole new energy that is so powerful.  And believe me I never had an ounce of self love for myself at all!! what I looked like all i did was wish for me to be completely different . But since starting my journey with Yoga and meditation. I feel so much more appreciative and grateful for my life and who I am. I can look in the mirror and love what i see. I focus on doing things that make me happy and make me feel good, which helps me continue to love myself for exactly who I am. I've learnt that we are all unique in a very special way. My favourite place to meditate is outdoors, I love the beach. The sound of the wind and the waves are so calming. When we have self love and self acceptance we have a pillar of fundamentals for our mental health and well being which is soo very important to be aware of. Accept who you are both the positive and the negative. So grateful for my beautiful photographer Hayley Oats for capturing this calming moment. Wishing you lots of love and light, Namaste Xx

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Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo