Thursday 16 November 2017

Gratitude and Appreciation through the eyes of Yoga...

Life.... Sometimes it's amazing!!! And sometimes we are tested to our emotional and physical limits. And I can say I definitely have. But the one thing I have that keeps me grounded and appreciative of everything beautiful in my life is my yoga. Yoga is not about doing a pose or bending to the point of a circle. Yoga is a deep spiritual and soulful journey that connects you to the Devine roots of your existence. Each pose will represent exactly what you need it to. Yoga doesn't make life better it makes you better at life. As you move into each posture ..breathe..and feel how each posture makes you feel. Creating calm and peace. For me personally yoga reminds me of the Courage and strength I pocess but sometimes forget, and allows me to be the person I want to be freely with no fear. You see yourself and the world through a different light. A light that allows you to see hear and feel the mystery of this life ...let's face it this life can be so bloody mysterious at times leaving you feel so many layers of emotions. And with the Practice of Yoga and meditation you can face the fears and the unknown with courage and conviction. So I invite you to try the practice of Yoga if you are facing battle's in your life...and we all have our own battle.
Love and light kristi Xx 🙏💖

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Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo