Friday 24 November 2017

My Journey Into Astrology....

Astrology... What is Astrology. Astrology is the devination Of The supposed influences of the stars 🌟 and the planets on our life by their positions and relationships with each other. I am so in love with the study of astrology. Astrology helps immerse into our unconscious or shadow side. Helping to Uncover what may be hidden and bringing it forward into the light. I have always has a strong intrigue into the study of Astrology but I never had the confidence to just "go for it". Then the moment came when I knew I had to do this because this was meant to be a significant part of my journey.

I am so passionate about helping others discover more about themselves spiritually, looking at their genetic makeup and discovering possibilities for certain actions,feelings and emotions that we possess, giving us an intense insight into who we really are. Through Astrology I feel a powerful connection to the universe, guiding me on the path to learning about the behaviours of the planets and how they can affect your everyday life. I am truly excited to be on this next part of my Journey becoming a certified Astrologer helping other's discover more about themselves and manifesting A life I truly love. And Astrology gives us the chance to really connect with the heart and soul.
Love and light kristi Xx 🙏💖

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Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo