Wednesday, 12 June 2019


OK OK.... This is something completely different. This is about YOU!!. yep you read right. This is to help you accomplish something you really want to but feel you are not good enough or fear of not having what it takes. So what do you want to accomplish?
- A new job/career path
- more self confidence in yourself.
- Be your own boss and start a business.
- Impact the lives of others in an inspiring way
These are just a few....
 Let me tell you my friend if you have the passion for achieving have exactly what it takes. Now go back and read that sentence again. OK..ARE YOU READY TO DO THIS ?

Are you like I was? Always having excuses why you shouldn't do this or can someone like me really do something like this? Sound familiar? Well I want to show you how to overcome this when these negative thoughts come into your mindset. What really has helped me get passed this and keep striving for success. Because we can't be successful unless we challenge ourselves. We need to walk towards our challenge to accomplish it. Heck I'm not saying it's easy but I know you can do it.

Now I'm going to take a wild guess but as women we all want success. Am I right?. Well I was so afraid of success, it dang near terrified me!! All the negative thoughts that would swirl around in my head. I'm going to share with you an exercise that I do to help boost my mindset into the positive direction. When I have negative thoughts that I can't accomplish something I write it down. Then .....I counteract that with writing down a reason why I CAN AND WILL achieve that. The positive thoughts and feelings that take over is JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED. If you believe what you have written and just GO FOR IT you will start to accomplish what you truly desire. The key to this is BELIEVE IN YOU. And if you keep practicing this exercise YOU WILL! 

If you keep doing this as part of a daily practice of self belief the magic will start to unfold. I'll let you in on another key practice. SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE. You have something to teach the world!! When you do, you are truly making such an impact in this world my friend. Don't be afraid to share. There are people who need what you have to offer. Knowledge is learning and education the key factors that make us a stronger force in helping others make an impact the world we live in. Don't hide you valuable experiences, they are part of who you are and want to become.

So now I want you to go and start putting these simple practices to work. I would love to hear how you go, comment on the blog if your excited to accomplish something amazing! It's time to let you shine and make your long lasting mark in this world. ARE YOU READY!

Kristi Xx

1 comment:

Rumbomama said...

Hey Kristi,
Keep up the writing I love reading how you got through your struggles. I can relate to a lot of what you are writing about. I have always been a positive person and learnt to do exactly what.yiu have said to do. It works.


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo