Sunday 29 September 2019


AHHH HOLIDAY TIME. This Mama and Daycare Mama has been on holidays with still one week to go!
Sometimes you need a holiday and not even go anywhere you agree? I decided to take these holidays to have a little bit of REST AND RELAXATION
. R and R looks so different now I'm a Mum! This Muma is still adjusting to that, stay tuned. I still have a two year old pocket rocket at home keeping me pretty busy don't forget. But I got to a point where my body was telling me it was time for a break. And it;s so important to listen to our bodies as they are the source of checking in with our self and how we are feeling.

Have you ever made all these plans for you holiday's and done absolutely nothing of what you had planned. Yep that has been me. But it's been great to just get up and let the day flow with whatever comes our way. Having a break from the normal daily work routine. I am writing this sitting here still in my PJ'S holding my morning cuppa. But of course in true holiday style they are going way too fast! Our bodies and our minds are such strong parts of our make up but we all tend to forget that sometimes they just need a break. A time to be silent and completely present in that moment of rest. I have been doing this every day. Before she wakes in the morning and when she has her lunch time nap. Just closing my eyes and listening to my breath. 

These holidays I was focused on making precious memories with my beautiful little girl just the two of us. We have sung, danced, painted, drawn and of course had some retail therapy 😉 And this week we are heading to the park. Being outside in nature is the best medicine to relax and release anxiety. Have you tried? I'm open to any other suggestions, please comment and tell me how you relax and release stress from being a busy Mama I would love for you to share your story, let's connect and help each other out. So many Mum's today feel alone in this journey and need to connect with other Muma's and see that they are not alone and there is someone they can reach out to for help.

So let's connect and share our strategies and tips for how to rest and relax being a Mum. Comment  below or E Mail me and share .Let's start a positive movement for all Mum's. Are you with me?

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Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo