Tuesday, 1 October 2019


Have you ever felt torn at the seam between been grateful for what you already have in your life and having that passion for wanting more. You get so wound and wired and afraid that you can't slow down and enjoy life or you will lose momentum. Well you are not alone my friend that is me!. But I want to help you. There are two key truths that I have learned from my mentors that I think is really important. Let's tale a look

The first thing is we have to TRAIN OUR SELF TO ENJOY THE JOURNEYS, because after all life is all one big journey don't you agree? So take the time and enjoy all the moments that come along in our journey's. Our lives are one big ever changing and evolving adventure. Enjoy the adventure that way we won't miss the actual point.

The second thing to lasting happiness and fulfillment is our own personal and INDIVIDUAL GROWTH. For our own growth the key is to make sure whatever we are making happen in our life is meaningful. This gives us the fuel to do more, be more and give more. Otherwise we can get in a real slum and feel lost and our creativity can become very jumbled and hazy. But when we are working on our own personal growth and seeing results from hard work and belief, we can feel proud and content. Then our stress levels are more controlled and we can enjoy life more.

There are always solutions to stress. Stress can overpower and take over our life if we let it. But if we feel both gratitude and ambition we keep the edge that's part of who we are. I have found that when I'm on top of keeping my edge and been ambitious my stress levels are more in check and in control. As we are growing and evolving we should never accept where we are in life. Why not keep striving higher with no limits and no doubts, but being ambitious can be risky there are no guarantees. I mean there are no guarantees in life but if you don';t take risks then nothing will change and happen.

It's all about the mindset. We have to train our minds to keep pushing our ambition forward and exercise our imagination. But the most important is you have to be willing to INVEST TIME IN YOUR GOALS. Without that we get nowhere real fast! So focus on attaining knowledge, not just success and recognition. I am a huge believer in SELF EDUCATION. It's part of the secret of manifesting anything you want.

When we are so ambitious our minds can get all tangled in the negativity cycle of doing more more all the time that we forget what enjoyment is . We need to enjoy our journey's and savor the journey of every goal that you achieve to show the world that special talent that only you have.

Kristi Xx

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