Sunday 22 December 2019


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give it my best shot... As you know I've had the same website now for a while, and the name Yogawanderer. Well It's time to shake things up and own my brand and what it is exactly. Yoga is where it all started for me. I never imagined I would evolve this far and my dream would explode into something so much more. WELL....there is a new webspace now live!. A new space called The Kristi Maree Blog!!  My journey and mission has evolved into something much bigger than when I first started Yoga. So I thought it was time to keep up the changes. So when Is this happening you ask. Head to and take a look now!!

The why was so important to me., I wanted to capture more of me. I felt like now I've honed in on my own brand I wanted something a little different, personal with more elements of me. Like different inspiring slides and quotes.

As my brand has expanded form just Yoga, I wanted to add all the things like infertility, parenting, blogging, influencing, what I'm up to and of course sharing my life experiences to inspire and motivate you..and so much more!.

So what did I want in a site? I wanted an experience that my community would never forget. I wanted you to know ME Ordinary maxi dress lover ME. I wanted tho space to feel like home to all of us. Cozy and real. I wanted to attract my people in the most real, compassionate and authentic way. A place also of teaching and motivation. Dreaming and believing.

Tell me how you like it.. would love to hear feedback.

Kristi Xx

Thursday 19 December 2019


Work Stress.. weather it's because you hate the job or love  the job but the work can be very stressful. Work stress is suffered by so many women in silence and not talked about much at all. But I want to break down the stigma and offer you some helpful ways to see things more clearly and know you do have choices and be on a better path. Let's dive on in...

This is one common factor of work stress. But there are ways to manage this kind of stress, here are some tips...
1- Don't hold back. If you feel like you need help because it's to much, talk to your boss and ask for help. This can feel like a daunting task but when you do it feels like so much pressure taken off. If that person doesn't seem to understand then you really need to think of what's best for you my friend. Be honest about how your feeling and that you need help to complete all the required tasks. Or if you are your own boss, make changes that will impact you in a better way, like employ someone with the right qualifications to help take some of the pressure off . Someone that will treat your business like their own.

Is this you? This is probably one of the most common factors,in work stress, one I have experienced myself before yep it's true. This is a position that can lead to a very dark and isolating place. But it doesn't have to. I've come to learn that YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Now hear me out, I'm not saying just quit your 9-5. I'm saying that you need to start planning. Grab that notebook, grab that pen and plan. Find what it is you really want. What lights you up and makes you happy! Then plan step by step the goals you will have to achieve to get to the point of moving on from the job you hate and finally be happy. It wont be easy it will be darn challenging. Bit I know you are fierce enough to do this and do it well and do it the right way.

So what I'm really trying to say is put you first,. Life is way to short for any unhappiness in our hearts. Live this only life we get being happy and fulfilled doing something that you love and makes you happy. Are you with me?  Don't forget to take time for you at the end of every day, time to breathe and just be present with yourself. Always listen to what your body, mind and soul are telling you.

To find out your passion and superpower try my free quiz Finding Your Superpower!! It's sooo good click the link below!                                                    
Kristi Xx                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Tuesday 17 December 2019


Once upon a time STORYTELLING was something I would NEVER think to do. Telling my story made me cringe, I did not think that anyone would be the least bit interested in my story. I hated even talking about it. But hear me out..when I started to own my story,be proud and share my experiences to help others the table started to turn in the right direction.

My story began on the 2nd of November in 1977. I was born with TURNER SYNDROME. So my life has had a lot of health battles and confidence issues. I was a very shy and quiet right through till about four years ago. Something happened, I'm not even sure I can explain it, but my energy shifted, I was so tired of feeling like I had to hide from it because it defined who I was. I'll let you in on nother of my little secrets.....IT DIDN'T. And yours doesn't either. Our story is what makes us into the strong capable and confident women we are .

Once I started sharing my story I began connecting with other women who had the same story! Who could relate to exactly what I was saying and feeling. And then my self confidence really started to grow. It was like a sense of true power. A power to inspire and lead other women to own their story and make their mark in this world.

Telling stories is one of the most powerful means to create connections and ideas. Storytelling is ine of the most important traditions a human possesses. When we share our story we not only teach others to love, to forgive others and strive for better than we have. When we do these things our self confidence begins to grow even more. And we feel so much more alive and present.

So why tell stories you ask? your story is a distinctive pattern. And in that pattern you can find influential meaning. We use our stories to make some sense of the world and share that understanding with others. They are the alarm within all the noise.

So in summary everyone has stories to tell.  But storytelling is a skill that can be developed. and used as a tool can have a huge effect on the world. Storytelling is a huge contributor to connections and change. Have you told your story? Grab my free guide In the link below to changing your mindset to achieve your dreams and make a difference. The world needs to hear your story...
Kristi Xx

Sunday 15 December 2019


Yep I've been hard at work thinking how am I going to make a difference to myself with the dawn of a new decade upon us. How can I make every little thing I do count. So In the way I have learn't best I sat down with my cuppa and pen to paper (or finger to keyboard 😉) and brainstormed these 5 lifestyle changes I'm making for the new decade and I hope they inspire you to make changes for your self. You ready? Here we go.....

The 'no time' thing. This would have to be one of the biggest roadblocks for me. Is it true....YES it is. As busy women doing all the things we all fall prey to this. But don't beat your self up over it, let's do something about it you with me? Being a very proud Mumma and doing all the things along with building an online business and community takes a lot of time. But you know my saying "If you want it bad enough you will do it". And I swear by this every single day. I think for this new decade approaching I will take a look at my time structure and rebuild a road map that allows me to do and be a part of what I want to achieve using my time management skills in the best way possible. Time management is  never an easy task, but with passion and determination how can I go wrong right?

The all important thing my health. Now it's been said and proven time again that when we look after our body, mind and souls we will find the success we desire. It is such a very important and significant part of my life, but I could have done a whole lot better this year with living a healthy lifestyle. So I have made a pact with myself that I am going to start this new decade of the right way Taking care of me and filling up my own cup so I can help my family and other women the best way I can. You can't pour from an empty cup right?

R AND R. To start this decade of with full energy I'm devoting more time to Rest and Relaxation. POW..I am going to up the anti and devote more time to body getting the rest and relaxation that it so deserves. I'm putting my hand up, I am guilty of neglecting my body needing rest. When you are in the Mum world when nap time comes it's time to get shit done!. But I plan to be more strategic in how I manage this. When our bodies are feeling rested then we can perform better and be more creative. I encourage you my friend to add this to the top of your list. I want to be the best I can be for my family.

ME TIME.. Don't forget about you! Our life gets so crazy in this era that we always forget about having time to our self. I am going to turn this around for me. Having a strategy that works and allows me to have time to go for that massage, get my hair done or just go and have a quiet cuppa in my favorite coffee shop CHILL. How fitting is that name! So please don't forget about you, you matter.

Making more family time. My family are my world! Having time for us to spend as a family is everything. I want to create more memories of sitting at the table having a meal together, planning our first family vacation. These are so super important to keep close to your heart because life is usually so rushed and I want to slow the pace down and soak up this precious time. because they grow up so fast that I don't want to miss a single memory.

As the new decade approaches I want to encourage you to stop and think what you want out of it. Write it down where you can look at it every day and remind yourself. I know this new decade is going to be a total game changer and I couldn't be more ready, How about you?

Don't forget to like and follow Yogawanderer Facebook page click the link below.. and subscribe to our community for inspiration and education to help you everyday.

Kristi Xx

Thursday 12 December 2019


Can you believe it's that time again. I swear I blinked and this year just zoomed right by me. Was it like that for you too?
The holiday season is upon us and I wanted to share with you what my thoughts are this Christmas being a Mum now and what this New Year Means to me.

Now if you know me you know that Christmas is my most favorite time of year. I can really feel the magic all around!! How can you not? It's the perfect time to take a look at where you are at, are you happy? did you achieve any of the goals you set for yourself this year? The Christmas magic is that little voice inside your head that says "I'm going to make those changes that will make me happy doing what I love in the new year"  That voice, have you heard it?

This Christmas I am filled with so much excitement as this is my first Christmas as A Mum. I can't wait to see my shining little stars eyes on Christmas Morning  seeing all the presents under the tree and the Christmas Carols playing, and of course Santa has outdone himself this year (Way to go Santa!) There is going to be some bright eyes this Christmas morning .....

For me personally this Christmas I am looking forward to reflecting on how I've changed and evolved this year. And what the new year means to me staying connected with the goals that lie ahead as we enter this new decade. WOW new decade, there's that time thing again! I have such a good feeling as we enter a new year AND decade how about you? how are you feeling about it. What plans and goals have you set. Keep them close and don't let them get lost.

As the holidays approach I can feel my body wind down from the grind and move into a more aware space of  self love. With everyday life so busy and dang hard to fit in all you want to do, the holidays are a time for me to slow my mind and breathe. Ready for some much needed family time.and reflection on what's to come.

What are your plans this Christmas, and what are you planning for yourself for the coming new year and decade?

Kristi xx

Tuesday 10 December 2019


We all travel in our life, exploring with family and friends. But do you know what the best journey is you will ever take? The one where you explore yourself.

I want you to think about it for a minute, we have Family and friends that we know so well on a deeper level. But how well do we know our self? Sounds crazy right. But it is a trap that so many women can fall into. Hey, we lead busy lives been Mum's, Wives, and everything else in between. I guess along the way it became part of our job to know everyone on that level. But I never took the time to get to know me! Who am I? What do I want out of this Life?

At first it was pretty daunting getting to know me, but once I started peeling back the layers I found that I was a women with a mission to accomplish! A women with BIG DREAMS AND GOALS. And it was so strange seeing myself in this way because I never imagined myself on a mission. And certainly not a mission that could change lives.

Indecisive....that's me(Just ask my husband). But the more I dug deeper into who I was and being clear on what my vision was, The better I became at making decisions. A win win situation and so helpful in moving forward to creating my vision with so much confidence. Now I'm not saying it's easy because it is not easy at all! It really takes a lot of hard work and guts, hey I know you got this!

Here are 4 steps to help you on your journey....
1- Realize who you are and not who you want to be.
2- Find what you are passionate about and what lights you up.
3- Find out what you are good at and not so good at.
4- Take the time to be quiet. You will truly know your self when you are still.

While you are on your journey of self discovery listen to what other people say and find your own core values. This is super important and helpful to achieving any goals you have set for your self. And importantly enjoy the ride! Find what your strengths are as well as your weaknesses. You might just surprise yourself...

Kristi Xx

Sunday 8 December 2019


OK let's be honest. We all have dreams. that something that we daydream about and dream about at night. You know the one that ties a knot in your stomach when you see someone else living it, and it makes us doubt our self as to weather we are capable of big things. Well guess what YOU ARE CAPABLE OF BIG THINGS. Start telling your self this and eventually you will believe it. The sad thing is only some of us will bite fear in the butt and stare our dream in the face and make it happen.

DECISIONS. There comes a point in our lives where we are faced with decisions. And one really big decision is deciding once and for all to just go for it and make it happen. We worry about time and money and resources. But ass I have said before, if you want something bad enough you will make ti happen. Will it be easy. NO it won't but you will still make it happen. All those times with all the excuses under the sun, were the times hat I knew I had to do it, that it was going to change my life in so many good ways. And knowing that this is going to take dedication and persistence on my part, with a whole lot of risk taking. But do I ever shy away form the grind NO WAY!  I guess I'm my Mother's daughter that way.

I can see it so clearly. That moment when I knew what I had to be doing. What would make me happy and bring me joy. And importantly what would make a difference in the lives of other women.  I remember the struggle to believe in myself. Believing that I could do it. The pivotal moment when I said to myself "If I don't believe in me, why should anyone else?" I was so scared when I listened to my first free webinar, and when I invested in my own education will my first course. It was such a huge leap for me., But I took a deep breath and moved one foot after the other FORWARD.  No doubts, just moving with the fear and praying to the universe. Getting ,my butt into gear and making everyday another step closer towards my dream. Yes it's so scary, and there will be plenty of risks along the way, but it will pay off in the end BIG TIME! 

When we are faced with certain decisions that await us to say "Yes I believe in me, in what I'm capable of and I will show you proof" you will see the magic start to happen. You will see yourself start to evolve. SO DON'T JUST SIT AROUND AND WAIT FOR IT TO HAPPEN MY FRIEND, BECAUSE YOU'LL BE WAITING A LONG TIME. MAKE THE DECISION TO STAND UP AND DANCE FORWARD KNOWING I'LL BE THERE TO HELP AND SEE YOU SHINE. 

Thursday 5 December 2019


Is it too late for me and my dream?

I have asked myself  this question so many times over the last few months. And I won't lie, that doubt is still there from time to time. But I'll cut straight to the chase...NO  it is not too late for you. In fact it's probably the perfect time to bring your dream to life.

Can I ask you a question? If you had the time, resources and money and confidence to accomplish one thing, what would that thing be?  And what has been the biggest thing you've told yourself. Let me guess I don;t have enough time, I don't have enough money. Are they at the top of your list? Well  stop playing that game because all you are doing is killing your dream. And I'm about to turn your mind otherwise. Think of this as a warm arm around your shoulders to help you turn towards your dream and go for it once and for all.

Now let's get into those selfish inner voices putting up that brick wall between you and your dreams. If your like me you have been caught up on the realm of looking after others first. Well let me tell you ...It's part of our DNA. We are naturally born caregivers and nurturers. It just a fact. A scientific one at that, women put others well being and dreams ahead of their own. It's like we feel more content and more purpose when we do this.

It's like an award that we accept with pride. Which is a beautiful thing, but can lead to so many problems. It shadows how you look at yourself and your life. It controls how you see your dreams and make plans for your future. It will change the way your mindset works with your heart to tackle those goals you want to achieve. You see what I mean?  Don't let this award consume who you really are and your mission statement.

BEING SELFISH... This is where I ran into trouble. You get to a point where your feeling good about going for your dream, and them BOO M! That little voice creeps in and makes you doubt yourself. You start thinking am I being selfish? Is putting me first showing selfishness? NO It's not. If there is a dream, passion that is embedded in your heart, it's there for a very specific reason. I believe that our dreams and goals handed to us for a reason. To show us the path we are mean't to be on. What we are mean't to be doing in this world. They are chosen especially for you because only you can do it in the way it needs to be done. Think about it, you are depriving the world of something great, something that only you have yo give.

The thing that scared me the most was where the heck do I start? can you resonate with this? Well I'll tell you where I started..I just started. Sharing my story to help others. Not diving head first and sharing everything at once. Just a little at a time. Start with letting people know a little about you. What your goals and dreams are. And no it's not easy, but when you take that leap of faith and do it, You will be glad you did trust me. I still have a long way to go but every day sharing a little more about me. Baby steps my friend, now go make that start .

Are you afraid of being judged? yep I was. Looking back I think that was a  big part of not following my dream. But I have learned a very valuable lesson. YOU CAN''T PLEASE EVERYBODY. Not everybody will like or even be interested in what you are doing. And you know that's FINE. Don't let that stop you and all the people you could help miss out on what you have to offer them . Listen to all the people who are encouraging and supporting you. embrace them. They are the relationships that will last and support you

My goal for this is I hope you have the confidence to step up and take slow steps doing what feels right for you. Remember that every hardship, cranky mood and setbacks are all worth it when you get to where you need to be. They will all be worth focusing on you a little more. So show up, be dedicated and  create a legacy that will last a lifetime. A legacy you can be proud of and a life full of joy. Go on..I know you can do it. 

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Coffee Anyone?

I thought It was time we sat and had a coffee together. Sounds good right? Go and make that Cuppa and head straight back.

Cuppa ready.Well today I'm going to do something different on the blog. I'm going to let you choose what you would like to talk about. Is their something you need help with ? Or questions you would like to ask me. THE COFFEE AND CONVERSATION IS OPEN.

Or maybe you would like to share a little about yourself. I would love to get to know you. Share a little about where you are from or what you do. The coffee is nice and hot!! Take a sip and let's enjoy each other's company.

To join in just comment below or you could even E Mail me. I'm so looking forward to having COFFEE AND CONVERSATIONS with you. Let's take a breath and relax....
Don't forget to subscribe to become part of our community and follow my Facebook page Yogawanderer (link below) we would love to have you.

Kristi Xx

Sunday 1 December 2019


Do you say this to yourself?
Yes I'm raising my hand for sure. Countless times I have said this to myself  IF I WOULD HAVE KNOWN THEN. So many times in my life things might have been different. But we can't think like that. Everything will happen when the time is right and the stage is set.

To start the ball rolling, I had no idea that I could impact the lives of other women through sharing my own story. My story felt boring and uninteresting. It was basically just struggle after struggle. But it was real, and it was me. It is something other women can relate too and even feel a part of. It was actually something that could change the world and make a difference. Crazy right?

I'll let you in on a little secret. I used to think that so long as I had a job to pay the bills and medical expenses I was doing OK. And In hindsight I was! But I was never happy. I was always just going through the motions doing what I thought I had to do. But can't I also be happy doing it? Couldn't I be happy doing the work that was paying the bills, medical expenses and putting food on the table. Yes you can make that happen. I'm not saying quit your job if your not happy or fulfilled. That's not the way to do it. Work towards finding what will make you happy everyday, make a plan and bring it to life!

Let's think about it, we will spend most of our life working, so why shouldn't we be happy doing it. don't just settle, STRIVE FOR THE STARS. And have patience doing it, these things don't happen overnight but they do happen. One step at a time, and one goal at a time will change your life.

Looking back at who I was, shy with no self confidence. The girl who just liked to blend in. I wish I would have known back then what was inside of me just waiting for me to believe in. I would have started the path I was meant to be on years ago. But I am a great believer in things will always happen at the right time just as there meant to, everything has a reason and a purpose. Maybe I just wasn't ready then. The universe wanted me to explore finding out who I was and what my life dreams were. I completely trust in the universe. It might not always feel like the right time but you will come to see it was perfect timing.

This next one I'm not so sure. What would have happened if I had of known what lied ahead of me with all my health struggle ? Would I have prepared myself more, how would I have dome that. I don't think I would have found the strength and courage that I now have today if I had have known. And believe me there were times when knowing a long time before would have been better for my health. But it was all part of a plan for a higher purpose. I guess the universe had a good plan ahead for me!!

So I look back now and I can see clearly how everything fits into a place and time. And I haven't always understood the reason heck no! but you know, I don't think we are mean't to. It all comes down to the divine trust that we have in the universe. Do you trust in the power of the universe?
Have you been over to my Facebook page Yogawanderer. Head over and don't forget to like and follow for everyday inspiration. See you there...
Kristi Xx

Thursday 28 November 2019



Are you making the right sort of friendships? Here Is a little thought for you today.

This is something I have really created so much awareness around. Embodying myself in friendships that lift me up, encourage me and will stand the test of time. The friendship networks we build will also have an impact on how successful we will be. Having friends that are part of your journey and stand by you will give you the confidence to keep striving for your goals and bring your dream to a reality.

Self care is something we tend to neglect a lot, can you relate? But hear me when I say this is a very important part of our self care rituals. Having that coffee with friends to catch up and talk. This can be a perfect way to tap into how we are really feeling. And having the support together with family there to help us. Truthfully, these strong support networks become like family which is a beautiful thing.

1- Improve your mood
2- help you reach your goals.
3- Reduce stress and depression.
4- Support through tough times.
5-  Boost your self worth.

There are also things to be aware of when choosing friends, Make sure that they have an interest in your life, how you feel and what you say. Make sure they listen to you with out trying to change the way you feel. And always remember it's a two way street. Focus on how it makes you feel. do you feel comfortable and good after talking to that friend?

To have better relationships make sure you are a better friend yourself. Show kindness, compassion and understanding towards others and you will see a strong network start to form in your life.

Tuesday 26 November 2019


Well if you had asked me 3 years ago if this is what I wanted to do, I would have probably laughed!.

It's funny how for some of us it takes so long to find that something we are good at and love to do. That something that can make a difference. I guess better late than never right? But there are three things that I have learned starting my journey as a entrepreneur. I'd love to share them with you, here we go.....

This one thing is so very important if you are constantly creating behind a screen. I find I have to allow my brain time everyday to disconnect and just STOP for a while. Getting up and going for a walk, making a coffee and getting some fresh air.  Our poor brains can become so overloaded that we have to give it time to release and catch a breath. Self awareness is the key listening to your body when it says to take a break.

I truly rely on this now. I was never one to follow what my gut was trying to tell me. But Now I have learnt that it's my secret weapon to trust the most. We all at some point sort out advice from others, continuing research but it's what we follow through with that advice is the important thing. Always trust your instinct, if something isn't right your gut instinct will tell you

I have found that everything as an Entrepreneur comes back to your big WHY. WHY do you want to do this.  Why do you want to help others? How do you want to show up in this world and who do you want to serve. Just keep revisiting this when things get tough and your buried in the grindstone and want to quit this will help reinforce your mission statement again.

It's time to take a close look at any mind blocks that might be stopping you from being successful. I know that some of the most successful Entrepreneurs have the innate ability  to recognize roadblocks and successfully push past them to be more powerful and positive.

I'm in the early stages of my journey with a way to go and I have no fancy qualifications. Just a whole lot of life experiences that I want to share with the world to help other women move forward in their life and find success. I'm ready to take on opportunities that may come my way in the new year ahead with no fear just a passion to succeed and make a difference. 

Friday 22 November 2019


To the girl with big dreams...
What would happen if you really did make it? If you pushed through all the doubt and fears. If you just followed your heart shared your story and inspired other women all around the world to live their best life and go and get their would it feel and how would it change your life.

Don't spend so much time in the "what if" stage, just focus on the here and now and projecting everything you can into one step at a time. Crushing one goal at a time. Not looking too deeply into the months ahead. Remember every goal you crush is another turning point to where and who you want to be. So just enjoy the ride. take a breath.

That feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction of all the hard work I put in is one that will be so special, trusting and believing in myself that I could and would do it. This is what I want to teach other women all around the world, just as I have taught myself self trust and self belief. The essence of where it all begins. This will be the foundation of what makes my success happen. But to also be aware of depression and anxiety give yourself time to adapt to the new demands you might be putting on yourself.

It would mean I become closer to the person I want to become. Playing small does not serve the world. I am depriving the world of what I have to offer, my teachings through my story. The realization that I am responsible for what will happen next in my life is both frighting and very exciting. I'm always looking for a better way to do things, a way to up my game. So I ask myself can this be a way to move closer to living my passion? Yes! making a better version of you is the most significant way to keep moving forward to your goals. A way to carve out the life you love.

Will I get too comfortable on one level and be afraid of the emotional journey when I up level. I hope not I want to keep soaring up as high as I can go, with no limits placed on myself. Just encouraging me to keep bettering the person I'm becoming. But I'm not going to fret, I've done it hard before. If things get rough I'll find my stride again.If I never try to take great opportunities and let my dreams become realities then the world  won't see my full potential and benefit from all that I have achieved.  And it will make it hard to up level myself and continue to grow and evolve into the best version of me.

Happiness...doing something that you love and lights you up. That feeling of Adrenalin and excitement when you wake up every morning. Isn't that what we all want out of this life? But something very important I will remember is not to loose me. Stay true to myself and who I am. Showing kindness and compassion far and wide. Keeping the smile I love to have on my face always, no matter what life may bring. A smile can really do so much to bring light to my day when things seem uncertain or gloomy.

Would I loose the real me? I won;t let this happen. I will keep focused and grounded in tune with the real me. I know success can also change you as a person, Make you loose sight of your core values and beliefs. But I promise myself that I will always stay true to what I believe in and true to the person I worked so hard to become. I will use any success that I achieve to make a difference in women's lives for the better. I want to make women feel confident in their capabilities to find their own success and live a life they love of abundance and happiness.

\So enjoy it, You are onto something really meaningful and impactful not only in your life but the lives of others. Your confidence is booming.

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 19 November 2019


I feel like the luckiest women in the world...And needed to write this today and praise this wonderful man I get to call my husband.

I know that's sappy and so cliche...but oh so true. I am married to my soul mate. 13 years making memories, lovers quarrels, having a mortgage, loving up all our fur babies, infertility struggles, so many health  issues, many fishing adventures, nights cuddling falling asleep and so much more. WHOA!! what a journey. But I could have never done this journey without him...

It's so scary how much time fly's. I really feel like if I blink my eyes we'll be 80 sitting in our chairs reminiscing (god willing we're both still here!) of the good ol' day's. Like cooking dinner together. Snuggling on the weekends with a good movie, exploring different places together. Not wanting to spend much time apart.

The most precious thing about our marriage is that we have grown into who we are today together. When I really look back at the person I was, I had no idea who I was or what I even wanted out of life. But being together has opened my eyes to things I never knew about myself. Finding strengths I never knew I had. So we really have brought the best out of each other. Life looks a little different now than the beginning. I work from home, and I'm chasing my dreams and step by step creating a life I love.

Challenges....this word has played a very important key role in our marriage. We've had plenty of them!! one after the other and still going strong!! But you know has made us so strong and ready for anything. I am so proud of us both for what we have accomplished not only as a couple but as individuals as well.

You know I still wake up every day and just look at you. I look at you and thank god that you cam into my life. I memorize your smile, laugh, and every wrinkle etched on your face. I love how we go to bed the same time almost every night. You male my coffee every morning and I make yours on the weekends. I really love how clean and tidy you are and don't think twice about helping me around the house. And I especially love how you love our fur babies. Your gentle kind nature melts my heart.

The last couple of years have been tough. Me with my health and heart issues, and you being diagnosed with an Auto Immune disease. But then the light just shone through so bright with our little shining star joining our family. After everything it could have pulled us apart, but I knew it wouldn't. We don't like doing things like the "Norm". And that's why life with you is like one huge adventure that never stops!!

You continue to lift me up and show me I can do anything. And I continue to lift you up to try new things and believe in you. The wedding vows we said we are still living every single day, and no we are not perfect. But we show each other the highest respect and compassion. And that is real love.

I love you babe, I will continue to be by your side, cherish you, laugh and cry forever more. Buckle up tight because the adventure is about to get even better....

Thursday 14 November 2019


What are your strengths?
We all are given strengths which help make us into the person we are today and project our uniqueness out into the world. But do we ever shine a light on our strengths and use them to help others and our own personal development? I think we sometimes don't really understand the part they play in our lives and help form our success...Here are my top five secrets to finding your strengths..

Have you ever really taken notice and accepted complements? WELL PLEASE DO..Listening to what others are observing about you is the perfect way to recognizing your true strengths and using them to their full potential. It can give you an insight into what people are honestly thinking and if you have more work to do to hone that skill.

This is a vital part of finding your strengths. And there are some really easy and effective ways to do this. One I want to share with you is don't over arch when thinking about your skills or add a sliver lining to the skills that have made you successful in life so far. Take time to think about it and put into perspective. There might be things that you are really good and excel at....but they don't drive you and are not your passion. write a list of all that that skill requires of you. Maybe you have been overthinking it? But don't take it for granted, there are so many factors that go into having a skill. Our potential does not end with that one skill.

Most of us all have social media right? Well it's the perfect place to gather information about what you strengths really are. Engage by taking a look back at what people were saying. Go back and read it all and gather the information you need to observe what other people are saying your strengths are. It is after all a very personal thing finding your strengths, and what better way to do it than with honesty and authenticity.

Now this is a very important part of finding your strengths. Knowing what lights you up about that skill or..what doesn't. Now I want you not to just look at your job, but look at what you have done for others or yourself and see which one has made you feel the happiest and most alive inside. This my friend is as very important skill and a true strength. Not all skills make us feel this way. I'VE BEEN THERE.

Trust your instincts, these feelings are the weapon you should always pay attention too. If you gut is telling you something feels right..then it usually is. If there is something telling you no this feels off and not right listen to it!! its guiding you into the direction that you need to go. Take a close look at your gut feelings and look at the bigger picture. Our own intuition is the thing we all doubt in our self. But give your self some grace, you are smart and intelligent.

I am giving you permission to be proud of your strengths and how they define the person you are and still becoming. Let your strengths shine that through for the whole world to see and be inspired by. And don't forget to keep working on them. This world really needs the strength and inspiration that only you have.

Kristi Xx

Sunday 10 November 2019


I am so grateful to have you here on this journey with me. I've been thinking a lot about what I'm most afraid to tell you. I've shared a lot of me with you all, and now I want to share with you a part of me that is normally kept pretty quiet. I have worked really hard with this but the bad negative monster still shows up once in a while. So I'm going to be completely vulnerable in hope that sharing this will help you live a more confident and enriched life. The thing I'm most afraid to share is that I'm NOT GOOD ENOUGH to live my dream....

Yep it's true! Do you feel like this? I have all the confidence that I can and will do it. But the negative thoughts still pop up and act ass a roadblock and I start questioning myself. I let that fear paralyze the action I need to take to make things happen. And then I tend to doubt myself and play the self doubt game. But I know that I have to quickly turn it around by the simple action of visualizing myself unafraid, and start moving towards my fear and facing it directly and head on. No questions asked, fear, doubt and all.

I think this time of year I always become caught in the self reflection motion.
Where am I going?
How am I changing?
What am I doing?
Where have I been ?
These thoughts roll around in my head at the coming up of a brand new year. But the thoughts mostly that surface are fear of rejection, vulnerability and fear of being judged not good enough to do my passion. Honestly when I started this blogging thing it was just a little hobby. The first months hardly anyone read what I had written. But something inside of me knew that I had to keep going, I had to do this. I could feel myself becoming very passionate about what I had started. And I knew this was making me happy in a way I had never been happy with myself before.

So then comes all the negative thoughts swirling around like a washing machine in my mind..
Am I good enough?
Will people read my work?
Will I be judged?
Will I offend others?
I was so caught up in these that I totally forgot my WHY. I wanted to make a difference and help other women find their best life and live their dreams through sharing my own experiences. I was so afraid that I was afraid of sharing this with you. How crazy is that right?

SO MUCH FEAR, SO LITTLE TIME. It began to get exhausting! And I though what is pon the other side of that fear. YES FREEDOM. You know we always have a choice. We can run the other way and see fear as the limitation to keep us where we are OR we can run towards it with bravery and courage pushing through to the other side. We can use fear as a very important tool to get us to where we want to be. A reminder of what doesn't serve us for the better.

I'm not entirely sure how I'll feel on the other side of sharing this. I guess only time will tell. But for now I'm armed and ready to run with my running shoes and wings. And not to mention a great big smile...

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Challenge time....

Have you ever woke up in the mornings when your like ugh here we go again..and stopped yourself and asked OK what am I grateful for today? Well I never used to UNTIL NOW. This is something I want you to join me in. I want you to share one thing your grateful for today. Go and grab that journal, diary or even a dang piece of paper and share what your grateful for today. And keep it going today ,tomorrow and the day after that and every day. Let's see the change we can make in our everyday. YOU READY....

I've decided one of my new years resolutions is to keep a gratitude journal.  It is proven that when you show and share gratitude it will help us live a more happy life. My plan is to everyday share my gratitude for my friends, family, COFFEE, health and my life. But I don't want to just put pen to paper. I want to physically say THANK YOU to all the people who make my life a whole lot better and happier.

What happens when we share this gratitude that we journal or write about? It is proven that it helps us live a more fulfilled , happy and successful life. And it is important in strengthening our relationships. It is a strong foundation for long lasting relationships that will affect our life in the most positive and inspiring ways. Relationships that will encourage and lift us up to our highest potential.

So how can we get into the habit of showing gratitude in real life. At the beginning of every week write notes who you have to say thank you this week. In that morning or afternoon coffee break send that text of thanks to that friend, or write a thank you note to send to them. It will probably feel strange taking your gratitude from your journal or paper and bringing it to life, but with practice you will really start to see the benefits.

And of course sharing gratitude is a SELF CARE GOAL. Once you put this into practice you'll see how good you feel about yourself. How much you really start liking and appreciating you. So are you going to start today? Comment below and tell me if  your in. Send me an Email if you have any questions. Let's make life a whole lot happier... And let our kindness and compassion show our true beautiful self.

Kristi Xx

Sunday 3 November 2019


OK so it's time to get down to the good stuff. Digging into what is going to help you!! determine if you will be successful or not. Being successful doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, patience and profound strategies to DETERMINE IF YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL OR NOT. It's dang hard work and commitment. I shed that scarcity mindset a few years ago now. I approach everything with a feeling of abundance. But you know It doesn't matter what tools and map I give you , there are certain things that come deep from inside of you that you already posses which will determine if you are successful.

Lets take a look at these 5 innate factors that will take you on the path and lead you to that AMAZING dream in your heart. And if you are doing exactly what your meant to be doing these things will come naturally believe me. Maybe not at once, and they may become harder as your success comes closer. Now check in with your self. Am I in this for real? All outside factors aside you will be successful.

I'm going to ask you right of the sshow up and be confident in every sense and feeling of the word. So dang confident that you can look inside you when the world is deflating you. Think to yourself "I got this"...not an easy task is it.

Think about it, we live in a world of comparison prone. You can actually see the polished and pristine end product on those little Instagram squares right? Then we look at our own debarkle  and think "What the heck am I doing" as our own work in progress is nowhere where you want it to be.

This will happen over time. You will strengthen over time. You will learn not to think of your inspiration or mentor, but on YOU and YOUR big hearted DREAMS AND GOALS. So just put your head down, don't compare just CREATE. Always remember there is only one you and nobody does it quite like you. And if you find that your turning away form the tasks that have to be done. Ask yourself why are you doing this? Why is this my dream ? above everything else.

OK let me ask you, can you set a goal? and can you stick to it? I want you to think about all the promises you made to yourself back at the beginning. What did you start out to do. What will you do that shows your community it can depend on you. When I look back at my own life and what had made me successful is consistently creating and proving to myself that I can keep promises I mad to myself and others. I mean how many times have you set these amazing goals and never followed through. Yep I have. And now I'm more disciplined and acknowledge that.

Now let's set a challenge. For the next 7 day's set your goals, write down what you will do to move closer to this dream of yours. If half way through you find your wandering, not digging it. Maybe these particular goals weren't for you, and you need to rethink what you want. But life does get in the way, we know this to be true. Maybe look at other ways to help you keep on track with a little help. I'm not saying forget your dream, look at ways that will bring you closer even if life gets in the way. I've learnt that if it's meant to be and you want it bad enough..YOU WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Well now that we have covered the whole game of comparing our selves, do you really know what makes you unique and and a whole lot of different form everyone else? Can you point out beyond a shadow of a doubt what makes you YOU.

One if the most important ingredients in determining your success is you own abiity to step into and own your oneness. This comes down to owning your own unique talents and the big WHY your doing what your doing. something you should be asking yourself ALL THE TIME. Go on go and write it down.

Another important ingredient is the ability to be able to speak your oneness. This will help so much in the confidence struggle and help you think twice about that comparison game we were talking abut earlier. I found that when I knew my own WOW factor this helped me focus more on my goal and look past what others where doing.

This might not come right away, it might take a little work. But it will help you notice your own uniqueness and what makes you stand out,

I decided a few years ago that I was done being "quiet" and small. I wanted to play big which was always my dream. What about you? I've entered into everything I do with possibility not doubt.

Let me ask another question, do you like to play the poor me game or do you see others success as a possibility of what id achievable for you? Do you trust the universe is there every day for you or out to get you? Are you making things you want in life happen or just waiting for then to happen? Mindset is not all peaches and cream. It's the ability to conquer roadblocks and face them head on. Don't wait for perfection. Imperfection will help ou get to the finish line. Moving forward is moving forward right?

The abundance mindset is the belief that there is more than enough to go around. And it will help you attract joy, happiness and success in a more natural way.

Putting yourself out there can come in different ways. Showing up every day with family and friends. peeling back the curtain on what is real for you. Showing vulnerability and compassion. Now this can be difficult I know, but when you do you will see the shift of success move in your direction. The choice of what you share is of course always up to you. But open yourself up a little and let people in. Do this in one step at a time.

 Can you share confidently and clearly your hopes and dreams ?

Kristi Xx

Tuesday 29 October 2019


FEELING OUT OF ALIGNMENT ...what does it feel like? It;s when we feel all negative emotions like fear, resentment,worry and anger. Sometimes we may not even realize we are out of alignment. Now I'm more aware of my emotions and what to do to bring myself back. If your feeling out of alignment with all these emotions rolled into a huge stress ball. Then this is for you.

If you are spiritually aligned then you know that your dreams are within your reach and you know how to get there. But sometimes we loose sight of that and need to remind our self of what really makes us who we are and cultivate a little mind.body and soul check in. To get back in alignment we need to release that negative energy and make way for positive vibes to shine through. I put my hand up to this. I have a tendency to let the negative emotions tale over and steel my positive beliefs that I know I have and believe.

So what can you do to align yourself again? here is my checklist of practices you ready...
- meditate every day.
- I love to read and learn as often as I can.
- Spend quality time outside every day.
- I try to add more plant based food to my diet.
- Move it
- Smile
- Breathe
- Switch your thoughts.
- Have gratitude
When I put these into practice in my daily life I can fully reach my potential and nail my goals I want to achieve that day.

Bit there is something I want you to remember, it's OK when you feel out of alignment. Don't go putting yourself down. We all have days when we feel not so peppy, stuck and just feeling off!. Then your out of alignment.And this can also be an opportunity to see who or what contributed to us feeling like this. Was it worth giving our power away temporarily? Have you ever had one of those days where everything is going really good, and then something happens to change your mood and frustrate you. This means your most likely out of alignment. So get out there, move, breathe, switch your thoughts, have gratitude and SMILE!. I know you can do this.

So the natural state of energetic alignment is a good place of feeling. It doesn't need to necessarily be tied to a person or thing. It's a whole lot more powerful when it comes from the inside. When we feel good that is the exact feeling we are putting out into the world. Lets all try and feel like this, and stand up and help our self when we're not. What do you say. Wanna give it a try?

Kristi Xx

Sunday 27 October 2019


COMPARISON FATIGUE..  I mean let's be honest. This is something we all fall prey to at some point right? And it's not even intentional, it's our minds succumbing to the "I'm not good enough" whirlwind. But let me put a stop to that RIGHT NOW.. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.  And what you are doing is enough. I want you to remember that the world needs YOUR unique gifts that only you have to give.

When we compare ourselves to others, what we are really doing is allowing others to tap in and drive our behaviors. This type of comparison is known between you and someone else. And other times it can be related to body image, wishing you were taller or a different body shape. But a lot of the time it's something someone else is really good at and capable of doing. Wishing we could do it just as well. But the best way to turn this around is use comparison as a positive force and squash all that NEGATIVE TALK. Be happy for others and let them motivate you to be a better version of YOU.

In the negative emotional game of self comparison the one thing I have realized is to stop yourself for always comparing yourself to someone else is focus more on yourself. Stop yourself when your mind is overthinking of the way you "think" you should be and turn to showing yourself some dam love. Praise yourself for who you are. A strong capable women of leaving her own mark in this world for others to see and be inspired by. And don't forget to nurture your own self esteem and confidence, practice every day working on what makes you feel confident and strong.

I used to spend so much time comparing myself to others, thinking that was how I need to be. Until I started to become more one with myself. I did this by learning from my mistakes and not expecting everything to go my way. It's OK if something doesn't go the way I wanted it too. Just learn form it and see how you can improve it and try again. Two things I focus on every day is living life to the fullest and being respectful and considerate. This my friend is all part of being more one with myself.

So next time you find yourself comparing yourself to others. STOP and believe that you are enough just as you are. And what you have to offer this world is needed and wanted. Remember after all there is only one you and your special gift is needed so let it shine to help and inspire others. That is the best feeling of all.

Kristi Xx


Well I'm actually lost for words. I'm not quite sure how to announce something so dang exciting to you all!!  But I'll give i... Edited Fri, September 21st 7:04 PM by yo